
Excavator driver jobs in Dubai?

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My husband is now a qualified excavator driver and is considering moving to Dubai, however we are not sure how to go about this. Any help and how and were to apply would be great.




  1. u need to find a job first, there are many large buiding companies there but u dont mention where ur from, u should be aware that these types of jobs are poorly paid as mostly done by asians, long hours and little time off, and they wouldnt be on a married status as most are bachelors and live in labour camps. u woul d have to find yr own employment with an employer willing to sponsor u so that u could get yr own visa.     if ur british u could go ona  visit and try someof the building  companies to see what would be on offer. good luck.

  2. From my old site in Dubai, probably you'll earn 1500-2000 dhs +OT...

    Better apply through a legal agency in your own country to be sure!

  3. Try,,,www.dubi...

    You can try finding one through google.

    Wish ur husband get a good job soon.

    Best of luck

  4. There is an easy way ... First finding some aprropriate job online n then settling with other matters. I can direct u to such a site that will help u find many jobs in Dubai:

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