
Excel Copying Question?

by  |  earlier

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I want to copy (B2-$B$1) from one column onto the one to the right to produce (B3-$B$2) and so on.. Copying the first equation means that I have to change the terms of the second and it's quite a long equation. Is there a way to copy, while preserving the relationships?




  1. you should be able to use auto filter hover your mouse over the bottom left corner of your equation cell and it shoud show a we plus sign.

    if you hold the mouse button down and drag down - excel will copy your equation but adjust it to suit the values in the columns alongside the new equation cells - if that makes sense. Its hard to explain but if you dont understand what i mean - perhaps try using the help function in excel. good luck!

  2. I'm not quite sure I understand the question because it seems that all you want to do is delete the absolute part of the formula so that it flips over to be relative, so just click on the cell which holds the formula and press F4 three times to remove the dollar signs. If this is not what you were asking, apologies.

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