
Excel Date Comparison?

by  |  earlier

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I need to use the conditional formatting function in excel, but i am not sure if it can be done using dates.

Eg. I have a coloum of dates. I need the date to turn red in that coloum if it is greater then one certain date.

Master date: Aug 29

List of dates:

Aug 15

Sept 20

Aug 1

I need Sept 20th to turn red as It is greater the the master date of Aug 29.

Is this possible??

Please help!




  1. yes, you can do this.

    if master date is in A1 (for example)

    select your Aug 15 date cell

    go to Conditional Format

    select "Cell Value"

    "Is greater than"

    in the formula just type

    =$A$1  (or use your mouse to select A1)

    set the format to red

    now just use the paint format option to copy the conditional format to the other cells.   (or copy the cell, then select "paste special" and paste "Formats Only" to the other cells).  Note: the $A$1 instructs Excel to "lock" that cell reference and not change it as you copy the formula/format down to other cells.

    that's it

  2. I've just tried this for you & found the answer to be, Yes, you can do this with dates.

    Is you're familiar with using Conditional Formatting, then great, just use the 'greater than' formula within it to achieve your goal.

    Have fun!

  3. Conditional format will work.  Have cell (A1) with the data 8/29/08 (make sure it doesn't automatically convert it to a division formula).

    Then have all of your other data reference Cell $A$1 for the conditional formatting. (greater than $A$1).  All of the cells must be in date format "mm/dd/yy"
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