
Excel formula using Office 2007

by Guest62210  |  earlier

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New at excel. Using Microsoft Excel 2007, how do I figure out the formula for wholesale sell thru? Please see example below.

Pieces shipped to retailer- 500

Pieces retailer has on hand- 342

Pieces sold in a one month period- 158

What is the sell thru percentage?

What is the excel formula for this problem?




  1. Well I'd do it like this:

    Column A = Pieces Ship to Retailer

    Column B = Retailer has on Hand

    Column C = Pieces sold in a month period

    Column D = Sell Through Percentage

    Row B / Column D enter:  = [select column C] \ [select column A]

    *Then take your mouse, there's a tiny little box that appears in the Row B / Column D box, select that and drag it as far down as you want, that way every row to where you drag the mouse to, will incorporate the formula.*

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