
Excel model problem II?

by Guest33280  |  earlier

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So I'm working on excel and suddenly all the formulas appear in the cells. How do I revert back to values (numbers)?





  1. Check to see if there is an apostrophe ( ' ) in front of each formula in the worksheet.  They will not show in the cell itself, but will be visible in the Formulabar at the top.

    If they have apostrophes, then this macro will automatically remove them for the whole sheet.

    Open your workbook

    copy this macro to the clipboard.

    Sub Delete_Apostrophe()

    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange

    For Each cell In rng


    If ActiveCell.HasFormula = False Then

    cell.Value = cell.Text

    End If


    End Sub

    Next, press ALT + F11

    Insert  >  Module

    Paste the macro into the Module space at the right.

    Close back to Excel.

    Go to Tools  >  Macro  >  Macros

    Click on Delete_Apostrophe

    Click Run

    Your formulas should be restored and values should appear in the cells instead of the formulas.

  2. This mode can easily get activated by mistake. The option is located under Tools->Options, and under the 'View' tab. At the bottom, uncheck the box beside 'Formulas' since you want them to work, but not see them all the time.

    This can accidentally get activated by pressing Ctrl->~ (the key to the left of the 1 on many keyboards). Just press Ctrl-~ again and it should turn that feature off again for you.

  3. wow i havnt worked with exel in ages. i think its ctrl + shift + ~

    if not, it should be just ctrl + ~ or shift + ~ either way, its something plus ~ haha hope i helped!

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