
Excercies make uu thin??

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Does exercise &+ starvation actually make you skinny cause when you exercise wont it just make you muscular or what ?? x




  1. If you want to lose weight eat healthy and do exercise, dont starve yourself. That's a very silly thing. Because you are not going to look cuter because you are losing weight. You will be doing it in a very unhealthy way and you will look sick and ill.

  2. starvation isn't a good thing lol , you would probably die eventually because if you don't get calories then you'd be burning calories through exercise and then eventually u would have nothing to burn and would starve to death:( i hope your not thinking of it lolz exercise and eating 3 meals a day and snacking on fruit and drinking water would make you a healthy weight and you'd get a great body.

    p.s hope i helped:):):)

  3. Well usually when you starve yourself, the body gets its energy from your fat supplies, but also from your muscle too. So if you starve yourself for long enough, then the muscle from your legs will slowly decline and you will be left with thin, concave legs. If you eat a normal diet and exercise then you are more likely to have muscely legs. Most exercises build up your muscles.  I think what to do is exercise, but not exessively, maybe around 2-3 times a week. I do this, and eat around 800-1000 calories a day and it seems to be working!  

  4. You can tone up leg muscles with various exercise,running is also very good for trimming legs down,but the skinny no muscle look is quite honestly repulsive,kiera Knightly looks like an emaciated little boy,why would anyone wish to look like that?

  5. yes, but it will probably also bring on a severe long term heart problem because you will be using up energy you don't have causing your heart to pump far too fast

  6. OMG! please don't starve yourself!!!!!!! YOu can losee weight by eating healthy and exercising. starving yourself can cause MANY health problems later in life. it is also an eating disorder, anorexia, which alll eating disorders are very harmful to your body.  

  7. No. You have no idea how hard it is to get muscular. Most guys will workout for hundreds of hours per month and not get muscular. For a womn, it is next to impossible. Women will gain a little muscle and just look more tone and compact. Muscle is what burns calories so you don't have to worry about what you are eating. Starvation makes you lose muscle and does not burn fat. You end up looking like an old woman. Thin went out in the 1970's except for those with mental disorders.  

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