
Excessive Sweating! Please help!?

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I use the Secret Clinical Strength deodorant, and I shower everyday but I still sweat to the point where I have wet marks on my shirts. It isn't everyday, but often enough it really bothers me. Do you have any suggestions, or any ideas why I may be sweating so excessively.




  1. camille

    My name is Camille bruno Valdez my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; , for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will either conceive in February 2014 or March 2014,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I'm glad we came to Dr Dahiru, Because his pregnancy spell cast put us at ease, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email:  if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine,  


  2. will you can try to stay in a cool area...

  3. go to your doctor they can help  

  4. do you have boobie dirt?

  5. you may need prescription strength deodorant to kick your body back into normal gear. drink lots of water. make sure your hormones are all in order.

    could be nerves - possibly an anxiety disorder.

  6. Wear 2 shirts.

  7. u amy have extra sweat glands in your arm pits it might be hereditary or something but u might need something much stronger than Secret

  8. ok that happen to many people. i know that secret is good but try Michelin its a deodorant its sounds like that its a clear one and the tage is green like forest kinda. it helps a lot  

  9. There is a sweating help website.  I suggest you use that.  Alright?  

  10. get some actual clinical strength deoderant, see your doctor.

  11. i wish i could help but i have the same problem too...i try to stay in cool sorry...

  12. you could probably go to the doctor and ask for a deoderant that you cant buy anywhere exept prescribed stuff g2 you doc n ask about deoderants. i went n got a prescribed 1 that works everyday with absoloutley NO sweat marks

    good luck! :D

  13. Sweat is secreted from the sweat glands during physical exercise, stress, and excessive heat. Sweating may also occur as a result of nervous activity, or as a sign of a disorder such as Diaphoresis or hyperhidrosis, which is a condition in which excessive sweating occurs.

    The cause of the conditions are not known, but it may be caused by:

    -An overactive thyroid gland

    -Certain foods and medications

    -Hormonal imbalances-for example the menopause

    So I would talk to your doc if it matters that much to you, see what he/she says, and maybe you'll get to the root of the problem, now that you know what may be causing it. So good luck!!  :)

  14. i have this all the time too I hate it, what I use is drysol you can get it over the counter and you put a bit on each night and then go to bed with it and then use it every 3 days it works wonders. Good luck and i feel your pain

  15. Ya know, some of us just have this problem.  The best thing I've found that really really helps is called Certain Dri.  You can get it at any drugstore.  You apply it after showering if you didn't shave your underarms.  I apply at night because I don't like to not shave.  Also, my sister has this same problem and I know it sounds really gross, but she'll actually l**k a shirt to make sure a wet mark isn't going to be too obvious before she buys anything.  Gross, but effective.  I hope this helps!!

  16. Try a diffrent deoderant or put more on.

  17. shave !

  18. omg! i have the SAME thing and it bothers me so much and i use Ban it helps me sometimes and just always try to keep yourself not always extremely hot always try to get air and stuff but ya ban helps me sometimes and i like the smell  

  19. it happens to everyone. there is no way to stop it. just except it.

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