
Excessive working out?

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I play field hockey and im going to be in 10th grade this year, right now it is pre season and we have practice 5 days a week for 3 hours everyday, i am really skinny as it is, but i am strong, i feel this feeling of hunger even though i dont want to that bad? whats wrong with me. ive been drinking A LOT of powerade, and not that much water, but isnt powerade just as good?




  1. Im skinny aswell but its important to get a balanced diet and listen to your body - if youre!

    Eat lots of brown carbs...brown rice/pasta/bread.....they will provide slow-release energy which is a good thing

    However, try to avoid eating these right before matches/training as they are quite heavy foods and may slow you down

    Make sure that (above all) you get a lot of protein....this will help your performance and energy as well build muscle eat things like red meat (not too much), green leafy veg, chick peas, beans, peanut butter, bananas

    I always try to avoid sports drinks....theyre full of caffeine (just like coffee) and although you get an energy rush at first, you WILL crash at some point....its only gives your body and artificial boost

    Water is the best option by far...much more hydrating and keeps you on one level

    Good luck

  2. it's not a good idea to work out too much.

    Your body has know...

  3. Eat eat eat.

    You need to keep eating to get your carbs/protein and fats that'll give you energy for working out.

    If you don't have enough calories for energy, you'll use your stored muscle/fat and convert that into energy instead, making you skinnier.

    Eat alot more, and try and eat alot before working out, and afterwards to replace your levels of whatever.

    If you eat right, and more than you burn off per day, healthy food high in protein and complex cards, you'll put on muscle and little fat, and be physically bigger and better.

  4. drinking water is much better than power aid because power aid has a lot of sugars in it that will give you a big energy burst but then will give you a crash later. Water has natural energy providers and it quenches your thirst so you wont have a crash later. Also, with the whole feeling hungry, make sure that you eat enough during the day...excercising and playing a sport so much takes a lot of energy so you'll need to be eating more food than you normally do.

    -hope this helped!!

  5. you are working out fine.. with the amount... but it isnt fine if u dont eat to give ur self the nutrients that is needed.  drink more water, less powerade..

  6. your body need to eat more since you are working out so much.  Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day due to all his training.  I'm not saying you should eat that much, but your body does need fuel.  Also, try to get in as much water as you can.  Your body needs that as well.

  7. You should eat 2 hours before you practice and again 30 minutes after you practice.  You are going to burn it all off regardless, so don't be scared to eat.

    Also powerade is fine, just don't over do it.  Powerade is basically water with some extra stuff in it.  Just increase your water intake and decrease your powerade intake and you will be set.

    About the not eating part.  For me it happens because I am on a diet and I got fed up with eating the same thing over and over again.  I know my body was hungry but I just didn't want to eat that d**n chicken sandwich again!  Just switch up what you eat everyday and keep it a healthy meal and you will be fine!

  8. No, powerade isn't just as good. Drink powerade when you're being active. Other wise drink water. Eat well. Fruits veggies I'd stay away from beef and pork they take longer to digest. Carbs (spaghetti) is good the night before a good workout. Clif bars are an awesome snack. As long as you're eating right you should be fine. If your joints start to hurt then you're really working out too much. your stomach might just be adjusting.

  9. If you feel hungry then you should eat whether you want too or not.

    Powerade includes other nutrients for replenishing energy and other vitamins. You should drink a mixture of both.

  10. Okay, if you are very skinny, and you get hungry, you need to eat. As long as you stick to a healthy diet, meaning you have an average amount of calories and fat in your daily intake, then it should prevent you from losing weight during your hockey season. But if you are hungry and not eating, then I would suggest you see someone about it, for it could turn into an eating disorder.

  11. Powerade is good to replenish lost electrolytes but you want to drink water also, powerade contains sugar and high fructose corn syrup and you don't want to drink too much of that. Because you are so active it makes your body burn calories and you need to eat for fuel otherwise you may become tired and weaker.  

  12. No... poweraide is basically suger/water - it is good for staying active and if you need a boost of quick energy before a workout, but not good for getting in shape.  if you are hungry... eat.  Your body needs it.  just eat healthy food... and 3 hours a day for an athelete is not excessive when you are including your schedualed practice in that.  When I was your age I trained 5-6 hours a day/ 7 days a week (during the season anyway) for wrestling.  It is not uncommon, depending on the sport.  Just make sure you have time for studies.
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