
Excited or bummed about school?

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i'm nervous and a little excited




  1. Definitely bummed! I'm not even in school anymore, but I just hate driving 15mph through those darn school zones! lol

  2. Excited cause I'm not registered for high school yet haha

    Fillin out applications though

    When I do start high school next week or whenever, I'm excited cause I'm probably going to an international school

  3. excited

  4. i have already started school and i am not really fond of it.  i only have 4 normal classes but they are boring.  i am in 7th grade this year and i hate my locker.  it is older than dirt and i am constantly having to get it unstuck.  and i share a locker and there is not enough space for the both of us but whatever...

  5. im both excited and bummed. excited about seeing some of my friends i never get to see. but bummed because i wont be able to work and because i just need more time to get ready.

  6. i'm a little nervous  

  7. Excited cause I'm going 2 be a senior but bummed since I have 2 get back 2 working hard

  8. A little bit of both,I would be really excited if I was going to early college but im going to be a sophmorre,yay,but im excited to just go back and freinds and schedule and stuff but im bummed cuz the work and the summer is over:]


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