
Excluding Paris, what are some stereotypes/observed differences in the different provinces/regions of France?

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I mean in people's character, not geology.




  1. I can give you a quick overview of a few stereotypes :

    Southerners are supposed to be voluble, talk loudly and wave their hands a lot

    Bretons are supposed to be dour and wary of foreigners (anyone not of Brittany)

    Auvergnats (from Massif Central) are supposed to be tightfisted

    Northerners are supposed to be closed mouth and cold

    Alsacians are supposed to be very Germanic.

    Parisians are supposed to be arrogant know it all that everyone loves to hate.

    Now, I've met dour Southerners, laughing Bretons, generous Auvergnats, and very French Alsacians. As for Parisians, we are full of understanding for those who don't have the chance to live in Paris ;-)))) Oops. Did I say that aloud?

  2. I have lived in Marseille for a long time and they are supposed to exagerate everything. For example, "I have been waiting five minutes" is "I have been waiting five hours". They consider that Avignon (less than 100 kilometres North) is a suburb of Oslo or Stockholm.

    I do not know other region as well as Provence. There are some clichés: people in Lyon are timid, reserved, even a bit hypocrite. People in North (Lille, Dunkerque) are warm and friendly. People in Nice are racist and very conservative.

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