
Exclusion from school?/uk?

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my 9 year old grandson (who's in my care) is about to be excluded from school - but reading articles in papers and on the net i really think he may have ADHD should i take him to the doctors? he is being excluded for his behavour eg. cannot mix with other children,doesn't listen to instructions,he also cannot read or write very well - i would be very grateful of any help - thankyou in advance x




  1. He sounds naughty.  And ADHD is just an excuse that parents of naughty kids use. 9 year olds should be able to read and write - I wonder why this hasn't been picked up before?

  2. Not listening to instructions,not mixing with children and not reading and writing are obviously concerning. These are not sufficient reasons however to be excluded from school. If there are more behaviours that you have not mentioned then you should ask to speak to the S.E.N.C.O. I am surprised that she or he has not spoken to you. I was wondering if your grandson could have attachment disorder as he was separated from his mother quite young. The symptoms of this can be very similar. If you get no help from the school I would ask him to be referred to the educational psychologist. There is a huge waiting list depending on where you live. If this is the case it may be an idea to go to your G.P and  they will point you in the right direction. i hope you resolve this situation before he gets any older. Good luck.

  3. not a doctor- but a psyholigist would help

  4. Before they exclude him from school you must ask for a common assessment. This assessment is available to any school age child in the UK. It means the school SENCO has to get involved and also the educational psychologist who should already be involved if your grandson has any behavioural problems. The common assessment will look at  the whole of his school history and what is happening at the moment. It will draw conclusions from both school and family members and should make recommendations from this. It does work and does help. Also get your local Parent Partnership involved. You can find their number in the book and they will act as a go between with you and the education authority. If you are really worried you must do something and never accept no for an answer. Good luck.

  5. He would not be excluded from school for the reasons stated in your question.

    I would take him to the doctors and ask if he can be assessed for ADHD but it sounds like excuse hunting to me.

  6. I would check with a attorney, or the government agency that runs the school system. Something doesnt sound right.

  7. I don't see exclusion as an answer to a childs problems. I understand the reasoning as I am a school governor and one child cannot disrupt the education of the rest of the class because of poor behaviour, but I feel we have not found an answer of dealing with disruptive children yet.

    You have seen the SENCO and had little help so the next port of call is the doctor. Ask to be referred to a behavioural psychologist. The lad obviously has some problems which need sorting out so he can reach his full potential.

  8. these may help  

    good luck

  9. 1) Get him to join an athletics club - that will help if he does have ADHD

    2) Get him tested by someone fully qualified for Dyslexia and also Dyscalcula

    3) Do not give him food or drinks which contain caffeine.

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