
Exclusively Pumping - white on tips of nipple?

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I've been exclusively pumping for six weeks - my nipples look like they have dried, caked milk on them. If I try to pick it off, then milk shoots everywhere. It doesn't hurt or anything. Is this normal, should I try to pull it off? Thanks for any help!




  1. Hmm I wouldnt try to pull it off, might really hurt. How come you have been exclusively pumping? You can keep your milk supply up with just pumping? Im asking because im curious, not to be mean.

    Might be loose skin?

  2. you are probably not pumping enough, if the milk is coming out you need to make sure you are emptying each breast, then the milk won't harden and cause blockage

  3. Do you mean the nipple turns white and after a minute or so it turns back to normal colour? If that's what you mean its normal, its just your blood vessels constricting while having that much pressure. If you mean it looks like a  bump filled with milk then that's not normal, maybe bring it up with the doctor at the next visit.

  4. put lanolin on your nipples after you pump, take a will make a world of difference

  5. It's just dried milk.

    I've been EPing for 25.5 months.  

    No worries.

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