
Excretion- I need your help!

by Guest34302  |  earlier

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Which possesses a specialized epithelial lining called a brush border?

Which possesses specialized cells called podocytes?

Which passes urine to the renal pelvis?

Which descends deep into the renal medulla only in juxtamedullary nephrons?

Which increases the reabsorption of Na when stimulated by aldosterone?

Pick from the following:

A. loop of Henle

B. collecting duct

C. Bowman's capsule

D. proximal convoluted tubule

E. glomerulus

Each structure may be used once, more than once or not at all!




  1. Collecting duct- passes urine into renal pelvis

    Loop of Henle- extends into medulla for juxtamedullary nephrons

    Glomerular (Bowman's)Capsule- contains podocytes

    Proximal Covoluted Tubule- absorbs Na+

    Glomerulus- contains brush border

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