
Excuse me. Can some one provide towards and against if humans are affceting global warming? Thanx?

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  1. I don't keep records and dates on when or where I hear something on most any subject so I won't comment.

  2. Since the begining of history, there have probably been hundreds of thousands of predictions of doom which never come true.  People feel virtuous and enlightend when they have faith in them.  

    AGW is no different.

  3. 1) Some greenhouse gases have no natural source

    2) Geographic differences in concentrations reveal that sources occur predominantly over land in the more heavily populated Northern Hemisphere.

    3) Analysis of isotopes, which can distinguish among sources of emissions, demonstrates that the majority of increease in carbon dioxide comes from combustion of fossil fuels.

    4) The global temperature increase between 2007-2007 is consistent with IPCC projections of greenhouse gas-driven warming made in previous reports dating back to 1990.

  4. Skeptics say the world has always gone through hot and cold cycles, due to eccentricity of the earths orbit around the sun, changes in the sun's brightness, and the resultant changes to the amount of heat hitting the earth.  Recent research shows that solar radiation is, on average,  decreasing, not increasing.  

    It is beyond doubt that the levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere are rising, and are now higher that they have ever been for as far back as we can tell.  These gasses started rising after the beginning of the industrial age, when for instance, we started taking stored carbon out of the ground and putting it back in the air.  It is almost certain that there has already been an increase of half a degree or so in global average temperature - more so at the poles than the equatorial regions.  The biggest difficulty is that the climate is too complex to model precisely (imagine the weather report always being absolutely right), so we are all guessing to some degree about what all this will mean.

    Very few people think that it will mean something good.  the difference between a skeptic and a believer is that the beleiver thinks we can change it by reducing emissions.

  5. Here is the report from the National Academy of Sciences toward.  1800 of the nations very best scientists, elected by their peers.  You'll need Acrobat Reader (if you don't have it, it's a free download at to read it.

    It's the the 2008 Edition of "Understanding and Responding to Climate Change."

    Here are 26 reasons against, and the scientific reasons they're wrong.

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"


    ^ All pro-AGW

    I can't find you any credible sources against AGW--and nor can any of the skeptics that use this site. Their arguments consist of straw mans, ad hominem attacks on the scientists who form the theories, and WRITING IN ALL CAPS.

  7. It is humans alone who are responsible for the major part of the global warming and climatic change.

    Ecological disaster is taking place every minute right in front of our eyes.  How disasterous it has become is corroborated in brief, with facts as below:

    a) Himalayan and Kilimanjero mountains range glaciers have been melting much faster than they were about 10 years ago and are flowing into the seas - disaster: flooded rivers, fertile soil erosion with destruction of valuable flora and fauna

    b)rise in sea level: Frequency of waves with alarming increase in height reaching the shores with flash gale force and sucking away the valuable land into the depths of oceans - During the last 10 years, TWO ESTUARY ISLANDS Lohachara and Suparibhanga, inhibited with tribals in a cluster of 100 islands in the Sunderbans Forest reserve area - the home of royal bengal tigers in Bay of Bengal HAVE DISPPEARED under the sea due to increase in sea level. Rare animal species viz.,Water Buffalo, Javan Rhino,Swamp Deers, Barking Deers have vanished from these forest islands.  Submerging of islands has resulted in mass movement and migration of tribal people to high lands. they have become homeless and need immediate rehabilitation at considerable expense - similar is the case along the coastal areas of southern peninsular India. A developing country like India is facing ecological disaster due to uncontrolled global warming being perpetrated by developed countries.

    d)UN Environment study has revealed that due to increased melting and shrinking of glaciers, world has lost 10.5 meters of water equivalent and has lost thousands of hectares of land. Satellite data indicates that Arctic Sea ice has shrunk by 2.7 per cent per decade and sea level has risen by 1.8 cm per decade since 1960.

    e)Due to uncontrolled destruction of forest areas by greedy men for development purpose, the ever green carbon sinks have been alarmingly reduced and a study has revealed that whatever remains will not be able to absorb CO2 more than what the ecology can afford. The present spewing of 35 per cent of CO2 is proving costly.

    f) Low grade coal used in thermal plant for never ending demand for power generation is spewing too much of CO2.

    g)Increase in population is also a contributing factor towards increasing CO2 and is hastening the ecological disaster.

    g)Report of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)reveals that by 2070 Kolkota (estimated population: 14 million) and Bombay (40 million) will be the most vulnerable cities to get submerged under water due to increased in mean sea level of about 1.6 feet; estimated financial impact would be $35 trillion.

    h)Bio-diversity is taking place at a fast pace and every hour 3 species and every hour 150 species and every year 18000 to 55,000 species are being lost; enchanting corals under sea are getting bleeched and are loosing their natural color and lustre due to increase in underwater temperature.

    i)It is reported that in many parts of the world we will be witnessing disappearance of various species of life forms due to bio-diversity and different levels of rising temperatures - In Arctic region, only 750 polar bears are living, in Indonesia Orangutans are having difficult time in adjusting to increased heat, in India, the the number of Chinkaaras, Blackbucks is dwindling, in Mauritious the Dodo bird is not seen for decades,in Europe, honey bee colonies have collapsed thus considerable reduction in natural polination of fruits,vegetables and seed crops is expected to harm the food production capacity, similarly vanishing of birds species, butterflies is causing an alarming situation, in Australia alone, 41.51% of endemic plant species, 14% of reptiles,18% frogs,10% of birds, and 15% mammals will be lost.

    k)Temperature between 1995 and 2006 - 11 years, was the warmest since 1850.

    l)The GEO-4 group has warned that due to increase in consumption and associated wastes, serious problems about air quality, fresh water availability and a threat to food security will threaten the mankind.

    m)Every year more than 5,00,000 people are dying due to pollution and 660 million people are lacking access to safe water.

    n)In Asia Pacific region the number of cars and two wheelers increased by 10% thus increased emission of CO2.

    o)Scientists have recognised that that there has been an increase of 0.6 per cent degree celsius in global temperature over last century. By 2100 arctic ice is expected to melt completely, heavy summer rainfall, increased incidences of heatwaves and tropical storms, submergence of low lying coastal areas, lower agricultural production and due to overexploitation of natural resources the world will be literally 'power'less by the year 2100.

       There are thousands of other reasons that are hastening the ecological disaster and if man does not improve his behaviour in safeguarding even the meagre resources available, he alone will be responsible for hastening the end of the world.


  8. The only (so called) humans that are "causing" global warming are greedy rich people.

  9. what about all the animals?  they give off co2 when they exhale, and methane when they f**t-should we kill them all?

  10. what we need is genuine effort from the goverment 2 do something for the enviroment....

    every human has directly or indirectly been the cause of global warming......

    if it is cutting of trees...or taking up forest of homing purpose..

    or technological pollutions......

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