
Excuse my ignorance but uh, Death?

by  |  earlier

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Well I came across a question asking about death in the houses. I found that apparently the 6th house is what leads to death

the 7th house brings death and that the 8th house is death itself?

I have Saturn in Aquarius and is in my 8th house.

As my True Node is in the 6th, Sagittarius.

Uranus and Neptune both in Capricorn and in the 7th houses.

And the 4th houses are in my sun Libra and Jupiter Virgo.

So what would be the death of me?

Also, if all three of my Planets are in Scorpio and all 3 are in my 5th houses, is that considered the Stellium?




  1. you really need to go out more. don't believe all this stuff. a planet is in some location in the sky, so you're gonna die! sorry.

    come on... really?

  2. 4th, 8th, and 12th houses, or aspects thereto. If you have a stellium in Scorpio in your fifth, then you have a higher than average chance of having a child stillborn, or losing a child thru abortion. Or losing a brother or sister. or one of your parents may have heart problems.  Sixth house merely governs part of your health.  But in order to die you need a 4th, 8th and 12th house aspect, both natal and progressed. .  Why don't you calculate your part of death for more insight?  A good chance of inheritance thru a male family member.

  3. I'm sorry, you have three days.

    Justkidding!!(: How do you know so much about this astrology stuff?!

    Sounds confusing!!

  4. yeah wow. i dont know what language you are speaking but i know it isnt english.

    or spanish.

    because i know both, and THAT is not it.

    sorry. but it does sound interesting whatever you are talking about.

    really, i wish i knew about that

  5. the death of you? will be worrying about it!

  6. um look Ive studied astrology, i presented an analysis of it lasy year.. you simply cant ask what is the death of you, astrology cant answer that.

    yes, its considered your stellium.

    mind you, this is all BS

  7. The 6th house rules your health , the 7th is the house of partnership and marriage , the 8th is the one that rules death , Saturn in the 8th house is not a good thing but i can't explain more , sorry.

    P.S:the Cyrus above is another one.

  8. stop thinking about death and live your life,you only got one life so live it!!

  9. This is my 3rd house I've lived in... But as for anything you said none of that has anything to do with your life. It is all made up. When you were born, what sign, all of that is fake.  

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