
Excuse to have some days off work sick?

by  |  earlier

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whats a good one to use? boss is being very unreasonable and i don't often have time off. don't want to have to put on a voice or anything. any ideas? also how many days before needing a sick note?




  1. you should be luckly to have a job still if you want to pretend your sick you can sign yourself off work for a week  

  2. How is your boss being unreasonable by expecting you to go to work?  Don't skive off - especially if you've already had words with your boss about it cause he'll know something's up. Also what happens if you are really ill latter on and have to have more time off? You're putting yourself at the top of the list for redundancy and at the moment you should count yourself lucky that you have a job.  

  3. I'm sick!  *cough* *cough*

  4. I think it's something like a week and you need a sick note, maybe even less. Just get someone to phone up for you saying you're throwing up so can't go to work. Boss can't really demand to talk to you then can s/he!  

  5. Tell him your taking personal time and thats it, most places should give at least 2 days personal time with no notice just make sure you phone the boss before eight or 9 am, never leave it for the boss to chase after you.

  6. a mate of mine recently got stung by a wasp and rang to tell her boss that she had had an allergic reaction!!!!which was not true but who were they to argue? haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  7. i think you can stay home no moe than three before you need a sick note . but less than that  i think you should be fine . but you can always use family emergency( you dont have to specify which kind ) or call from home sick and stay home  for 2 days . i once used that i tripped from the stairs when i was prego .

  8. i think you can normally self certificate yourself (so basically call in sick) for a week before you would need a doctors note...but this will vary depending on your companies policy. Some places will probably only allow you a couple of your contract. It could be paid or unpaid also depending on what your company says. A good one to use is sickness and stomach this sort of thing spreads really quickly to other employees most companies reccomend you dont go to work when you have this......the only thing i will say is its great having time off work but if your not supposed to be off and you get caught it actually isnt as fun as what it seems. I once did it to go shopping over a hundred miles from my home...and by freak accident i bumped into my assistant manager...awful cringey...aahhhhh...moment!

  9. Migraine headache or back ache.

    The norm here is 3 days then you need a doctors note.

  10. my dog ate my hand

    or im so lazy i just couldnt be arsed

  11. Close family member died.  Although, I'm scared to use this once because I feel that I will jinx that person.  Car broke down and you don't have money to get a rental.  Another thing that actually makes you sound really sick is if you call your boss with your head leaning over the bed, almost touching the floor.  It makes you sound really congested.  If you know a nurse get a doctor's note from her.  My mom is one and it works great!  

  12. using the family as an excuse is normally 100% boss proof

  13. one would hope you value your job enough not to lie...

  14. They will never argue with you if you say you have an illness that would need regular toilet trips, think what you will!

    You can sign yourself off sick for a 5 days and then you would need a doctors note, especially if you wanted to pick up sick pay.

  15. say your having "family problems" hahaha no one ever asks more about that one! lady issues also works well for girls but seen as your called james that wont be very useful!

  16. I have vision problems ... I can't see myself at work today!

    I'm sick .... sick and tired of working!

    I'm having *** problems ... I can't seem to get my *** off the couch!

    Forget Sick Days, call in for a "Sun" Day!!

    No, it's simple enough, put in a request for certain days off, tell them that you are unavailable. It's not actually their business WHY!! If they deny you, you can take it to the BBB or your Union. Or be a little p***y, call and say that you pulled your back out and you called the hospital and they recommended you "take it easy" for a few days.

    Or if you hate your job that much, get a different one! The average person changes their "career" 7 times in their life.

    Good Luck!

  17. Get someone to call in sick for you and say that you've lost your voice so you can't talk therefore you wouldn't be putting on a voice!

    WARNING don't leave the house at the time of your bosses lunch break!

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