
Excuses for not doing my homework??

by  |  earlier

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i need some for tomorow for school please help me LOL




  1. why dont you just do your homework tonight

  2. I was too busy playing on Yahoo! Answers?

    Don't give an excuse, they are lame.  If you choose to not do the assignment, at least be mature enough to not try to cover it with some line your teacher won't believe anyway.

  3. i hate excuses and try very hard never to use one.  i just apologize and say it won't happen again (if i can say that honestly).

      either do it or say you didn't.  no excuses.  

    don't you think the teacher has heard it all already?  maybe some honesty would be refreshing or accepting that you failed on your end of the deal.  you know, they teach you learn.  

  4. - I forgot

    - I lost the assignment

    - I lost internet connection

    - I got sick

    - I didn't know it was due tomorrow

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