
Excuses for not going into the pool?

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Please help me! I'm 14 and I just got my period like a year ago and I haven't tried wearing a tampon yet and my friend is having a pool party and i'm really scared to wear a tampon and what excuse do i use for not being able to go in the pool? or at least give me some motivation to wear a tampon. please i need help :(




  1. it does hurt when you first wear tampons, but you'll get use to them and they will stretch it out down there for ya.

    but wearing one is totally up to you.

    or you can say you're H2O intolerant like the little fish on finding nemo!! or just tell you're friends the truth they might understand, i mean they get it too!

  2. You have nothing to worry about  with tampons thry don't hurt and they won't bite you so go ahead and use one!  I have use them b/c I'm on a swim team.  I'm fine no health complications related to the use of tampons!

  3. im sick

    dont know how to swim

    dont feel to well

    am alergic to water

  4. 4got a suit

    works for me

  5. point at the girl there you like the least and claim that you heard her talking about being a compulsive pee pee in the pool person

  6. Swimmers Ear. Tampons are oK. SOo easy.

  7. umm well u should want to wear a tampon... unless ur a baby and like the feeling of wearing a diaper? umm if you don't want to go in the pool, just like go on a floaty and tan or something... but i dunno. hah sorryy

  8. You could tell her you don't feel very good, or you could just tell her the truth.

  9. You can say the chlorine gets you itchy...

    Don't worry, it took me until I was at least 18 before I'd try to use one.  I promise it doesn't hurt or anything.


    Good luck!

    I hope you have a blast anyway.

  10. I'm sorry but the advice about not using a tampon so you don't "pop your cherry" is just plain retarded.  I'm probably going to be rolling my eyes for a week. A tampon will take your purity anymore than being a self professed, "good liar"

    Your motivation for using a tampon should be a clear choice.  Its a matter of not letting your womanhood keep you sitting on the sidelines like some victorian era damsel.

    Its obvious that you want to go to the party so go ahead and make the switch.    Head to the girly aisle and take a look, Tampons come in tons of different varieties & even junior sizes.  Don't be embarassed to spend some time there and really learn what all your options are.  (Personally I like the O.B. Brand because their  no-applicator means they are tiny so you can hit the bathroom with it hidden in the palm of your hand, nobody will see & it doesn't have a wrapper that makes loud crumply sounds.)  But I'm sure you will find a style that fits your needs.

    Once u pick a brand,its not the hard scary thing that you might think it is to ise them. Mostly its just nerves at first, but if you have to waste the first couple of tampons to practice getting it right that's perfectly OK.

    All your girlfriends either have their period now or will soon, so don't be ashamed in front of them, own your womanhood.  This is a biological function there is no shame in that. You wouldn't pass on having a soda with ur girls just cuz its gonna make you need to pee later, right?  Look at this the same way, and have fun at the party.

  11. You can tell her that you are going out of town with the family. I wouldn't reccommend for you to wear a tampon unless it's okay with your mom. I don't wear tampons because I'm a virgin and it wouldn't feel right "popping my own cherry"; it's just how my family was raised but everyone is different. Anyways, I'm 16 and if it was up to me, I'll just say that my mom has plans for us to go out that day and I'm sorry but i just can't make it. And, if she's a good friend, then just get her a gift and tell her you felt really bad about missing her party but you got her a gift while you were out of

    P.S. I'm a really good liar.. If you ever need help with that, just contact me!!

  12. i'm 14 too and i use tampons, its not that bad, once you get it over with your first time then your fine, but if you really don't want to use a tampon then don't bring your bathing suit to the party and just be like oh **** i left it at home! hahaha. (:

  13. First of all - not a baby if you wear a pad !!!! - My ObGYN- said that they are foreign objects(tampons)!  very uncomfy- unless you get used to it!  I had cervical cancer and the pads I wear yes! pads are what they told me to do and  since then - 3 years I have no relapses! To each their own- but I think let nature take its' course!

  14. i have a bad rash on my back and it gets severly aggrivated when it gets in contact with water, it will be gone in 2 weeks but for right know i can't get inside the pool. thats a very good excuse

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