
Excuses not to do the dishes

by Guest56263  |  earlier

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whats the best excuse not to do the dishes ?? i need really good excuses not like oh my hand hurts ... please help :D x




  1. You feel sick

  2. You can't possibly do the dishes, you have a bone in your finger !

  3. The washing liquid irritates my hands and causes a rash.

    I have a fear of wet plates.

    I'm too lazy.

    Your meal was lame, wash your own dishes.


    You under cooked the food, i'm going to be sick.. (lock yourself in the bathroom until someone else has done them)

  4. The washing up liquid ages your skin and causes your hand to go dry and coarse and wrinkly. x

  5. There isn't one. Get on and do it you lazy moo.

  6. say that you got a blister on your pinky that one pitcher on the cubs didnt have to work for 2 weeks

    i have this huge test next week and have to study its worth more then half of my grade?????  

  7. You have hydrophobia.  (Fear of water)

  8. you have a headache

  9. you have ameobic dysentry and yes sure you would LIKE to wash up, but your worried that others will also catch your diahorrea and sickness bug, cos it will make them throw up and throw down for days if they DO !  say your waiting for the medication to get to grips with it.... maybe scratch a bit and look like your about to be sick !

    Hope this works!

  10. Too lazy,allergy to detergent,would prefer to have s*x,you cook they wash-up to be fair .

  11. what  are you going to do when you, leave home.

    you, will have to wash the dishes then, a bit of practice will not do

    you any harm, infact it will do you good.

    what abot your pots and pans , you, just going to leave them

    there, and get grimey.


    help out, now and  again it will put you in good stead for later life.

    it  will not KILL you.

  12. I want the dirty dishes for my pet cockroaches.

    Seriously, Kid- If you don't try to stall with lame excuses, doing the dishes isn't that bad. The only two that would be legitimate would be if  you were ill or if you had an allergy to the detergent.

  13. there are NO excuses.  get off your lazy bottom and do something constructive with urself.

  14. Lol, just say you are allergic to washing up liquid, nobody questions an allergy!.

  15. It harms the environment

  16. Don't eat then you won't have to do them.

  17. You believe bacteria should have an equal chance in life?

  18. I think the abstract would read:

    An in depth analysis of the growth of bacteria and influx of household pests and rodents consequent upon the leaving of dirty dishes for as long as possible.

  19. your really clumsy and don't want to damage the dishes, waters too hot or you don't want to end up with dish pan hands   :)

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