
Exempt from any scholarships?

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i am a HR and marketing major transfer student and I have a 3.5 gpa. i've been searching for scholarships and i don't qualify for any of them! they have requirements such as being a certain race, head of household woman, in serious need of financial aid, ect. I don't qualify for financial aid because my parents make a 6 figure income, although i pay for all my schooling myself. Why don't they have scholarships for hardworking regular people?!




  1. I don't know about it because each scholarship provider has different rules. Maybe you can try to go to

    it's about scholarships information.

    Good luck

  2. Contact your school about private transfer scholarships or departmental scholarships (only given to students of a particular major).  You will likely not find private national scholarships (like those in online searches and websites) for anyone outside of minority groups or those who are indigent.

    It just doesn't exist.  I know it is frustrating.  Some college friends and I used to joke that when we became rich we would create a merit-based scholarship fund for only white males.  Ha,ha.  I know it is politically incorrect and I totally understant the logic behind why other groups are selected due to statistically low college degree rates, but white males are the only group not represented when it comes to private scholarships.  

    It is great if you are a minority.  I think it is wonderful that people try to create ways for those groups to succeed, because statistically it is more difficult for them.  However, I can understand how someone of the majority group would feel that they cannot receive assistance at all.  

    It does not mean that you are not hardworking!  You are just, unfortunately, in a category that does not receive attention.  =[

    Trust me on the contacting your school or department thing.  They will be the only ones who can direct you to merit-based scholarships that you will have a chance at winning.  Just be sure to write a kick-a** essay.  And, consult books and websites that give advice on how to write a winning "personal statement".   Be specific so they will remember you!  I applied and applied to no avail, until I consulted a book in a local bookstore with great advice and samples.  Soon afterward, I got my first scholarship!  $1000.  Well, you take what you can I guess...  =]

  3. they do most involve high grades and community service. Google some scholarship websites you will find a lot out there

  4. 3.5 GPA may be good enough to get you an academic scholarship (or partial scholarship at least). There are many scholarships available that you are not aware of yet. It's highly unlikely, in fact impossible, that you can't qualify in even one scholarship.

    Here's a site that may help you find a scholarship that you can qualify for:

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