
Exercise bike to get abs?

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I know to get a six pack you have to do cardio. I always thought this had to be running? Would using an exercise bike give pretty much the same effect as running for abs?




  1. running burns off more fat than any other sport but after running byciling is good try both and do some floor excercises. thats what i did and i got my abs in just two months.

  2. Wrong.

    A 'six pack' happens when your Rectus Abdominis muscle gets 'lumpy' enough to poke through the fat covering your midriff.

    When the fatty ('adipose') layer is thin, then it doesn't take much 'development' to allow the lumps to be seen. The more fat you are carrying, the more bulky the muscle needs to be, before it becomes visible.

    When you are running, the fat moves around more than the muscles, so that their shape can be detected underneath. this is one reason why running is thought to be a good way to improve your abdomen.

    Another reason is Knee Lift. If you run with a high knee action, this will repeatedly activate your RA muscle (just like leg raises do). By running a lot in this way, you will cause the muscle to 'bulk up' more quickly.

    (Running with a very 'twisty' action will activate the muscles that 'pinch' your waist in, so that its size will reduce).

    Everybody runs in a slightly different way, so it is difficult to know whether your style will aid 'abdominal hypertrophy' (eggbox abs) without trying it and finding out what result you get. Different individual styles affect the results you will get from cycling, too.

    On a bike, your knees are being lifted partly by the pedal rising, and a 'forward' riding position will prevent the RA muscle from doing much work, even if you 'pull' the rising pedal.

    Using a 'recumbent' (pedals out in front of you, instead of below) exercise bike can allow more abdominal activity, because a different muscle pattern is used to lift your knee. With either type of bike, setting the 'seat tube' length slightly too long (so that you need to 'reach' for the pedals more) can help to add extra abdominal activity.

  3. swimming and running r the best for cardio

    ur better off on foot or in the pool

  4. The bike is no where near as effective as running but if you watch the TV while doing it then I think you can at least lose some weight with it.

    The bike can be as easy or hard as you make it, all you gotta do is pedal so I think it's worth going for if you put an hour into it a day.

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