I'm looking for a full body work out with (free) weights
here is what i am doing now :
3 sets of 12 every other day (mon -wed- fri)
please tell me if this is good or not, if i should add anything to it?
my goal is a FULL body work out .Thanks !
1)Leg squats quads ham strings(bar on shoulder's ,behind neck,squat down ,and back up )
2) Leg lunges quads butt (bar on shoulder's behind neck,step forward with one foot ,then down on one knee and back up)
3)Leg calf raise (bar on shoulder's behind neck,up on tip toes and back down on heels)
4) Traps/shrugs (bar held down in front at thighs, lift shoulders up and back down)
5) Arms biceps ;curls (free weights one in each hand, arms straight down ,lift each to shoulder and back down)
6) Arms triceps /behind back (free weights , support rt.elbow w left hand ,then visa -versa ,with free weight in hand and arm up and elbow supported put weight weight behind back and then back up beside head then switch)
7)Chest bench press (lay down on bench bar to chest up and back down to chest)
8)Shoulder's/shoulder lift lats deltroids (sit on bench facing bar take bar to chest ,then lift up over head and back to chest )
9)Crunches / abs ;lay on back (knees bent?) hands behind head lift top half of body up off floor slightly -lift with abs not arms)
10) Legs / calf's and thighs; legs hips butt (standing with chair for support ,do side kicks ,and back kicks on each leg)