
Exercise for the body....?

by  |  earlier

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I walk 2 miles everyday, watch my diet, and yet, the weight is extremely slow in coming off! I can see the difference but it's driving me insane that the numbers aren't dropping! I've lost 2 pant sizes but I still have so many areas that need to be worked on! I started this at the end of April and so far I've lost 15 pounds but I still have almost 100 pounds to go! Yes, I'm a big gal... But is my body not losing it because I'm doing the same exercises and I need to mix it up with maybe swimming every other day? I feel so much better and I'm just discouraged in the numbers! Agh!




  1. dont give up!!!! i've been in ur shoes. it takes a while to get where u need to b but keep at it!!!!! U should push to do more! like um trying doing a longer walk ...  

  2. If you're watching your diet then that's great.  Make sure you are eating 5-6 small meals a day with a minimum (Bare Minimum) of 1200 calories.  Eating throughout the day will keep your metabolism working constantly which is good.

    The walking is good.  What you want to do is incorporate some wight lifting into it.  Just some light excercises that will help build lean muscle.  The reason you want to build lean muscle is because, muscle burns fat.  You are definitely on the right track.  Good luck with everything.

  3. buy a wii fit. i know its big bucks buhh its worth it my friends have one and when your on it you accually sweat. it helps you loose weight by keeping track on how long you work out a day and keeps a daily weight log. its really cool and works :] try it.

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