
Exercise question?

by  |  earlier

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what are some workouts and exercises and such that will not only help me improve my volleyball skills immensely but also help me lose a little bit of belly fat (belly button and below, or the lower stomach or whatever) and tone up my stomach and such?



thanks so much!




  1. yooh should get down low like your fix to pass the ball so law that your hand can touch the ground

    and yooh need to transition around the court like your moving to go get the ball but keep your butt down and yooh will feel it burning i promise

  2. Do crunches, pushups, jog, lunges, pyramids, pullups


  3. the main muscle for hitting is surprisingly ur abs sooo some ab workouts are:


    lay on ur bac with ur feet in the air and hold a weight and bring it from side to sidedo it over and over again

    lay on ur bac with ur arms straight behind ur head and ur feet straight bring them together and toach then bring them back down without bending ur arms or legs

    leg workouts:

    lunges up and down the stairs (u hold weights and go up the stairs 2 steps then bend like lunges then ur next leg up the stairs run dwn then up again)

    put ur right foot on the stairs then get ur toes on the edge while ur heel hangs off go up down up down bout 20 times switch legs then do both legs 40 times

    arm workouts:lay on a blown up ball if u hav one hav the top of ur back on it hold ur head up and lift weights up it keep ur but and lower bac off the ball this will work ur abs and arms

    hold one weight in one hand and one in the other bring them straight up and hold them bring em down then back up

    hope those help

  4. lie flat on your stomach and lift both arms and leg off the ground at the same time. They arecalled supermans. Get a workout ball and do crunchs on the ball. Laying flat on you back and lifting you legs up will help to.

  5. you may jog better. you may go to sauna to loose some faty will help you.

  6. jog/run and do jump rope (for overall weight loss)

    and LUNGES for strong legs

    but overall all these tone up your legs very well

    good look dear! :)

  7. You can do crunches/sit ups and you can do planks; or what my team calls blanket. A blanket is when you lay on your stomach and hold yourself up with your forearms and toes and you hold it like that. You can feel the burn. lol
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