
Exercises for mommy & baby to help her walk?

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Hello, and thanks for your considerate reply to my post. My child is 16 months, is 18 lbs, and 28 inches long. She is very small for her age (she was not a preemie), and the pediatrician says she is fine and developing normally. When I was at the office the other day, her doctor observed her walking while holding one of my hands, and told me that she felt my daughter would be ready to walk any moment. I really work hard with my daughter. I take her to the mall three or four times a week and allow her to walk with a "baby stroller" to strengthen her legs. She actually RUNS with the stroller, it's so cute. She also can walk holding one of my hands. But, when mommy lets go baby drops to her knees. I think it may be a confidence problem, but I'm not sure. Are there any suggestions for what kind of exercises I can do with my daughter to help improve her ability to walk on her own? I am not trying to rush nature, but I would like her to walk as soon as she's ready. What can I do to help? Thanks!




  1. She will walk in her own time and the less interference from you the better (I am sorry if that sounds harsh, I struggled to find the right words!) A child who learns to walk while holding onto mummy or in a walker may not be learning how to balance by herself and therefore when she tries to go it alone, can stand up. When you hold her hand while she walks and she starts to overbalance, your natural reaction is to hold her up so she doesn't fall and hurt herself. Then when you are not there, she will just fall down. I love the pencil idea from a previous responder!! If the Dr says she is developing normally, just let her cruise around holding onto the furniture and develope her own balance and confindence.

    A funny story: When my cousin was learning to walk, his mum would walk behind him holding his arms up, whe he eventually walked by humself, he waled with his arms in the air. He was a pretty tall kid and apparently he looked like a monkey (i mean that in the nicest possible way!!)

  2. Let her move at her own pace; I can't think of anything that would destroy MY confidence further than to have someone pushing me to do something before I was ready!

  3. She'll do it when she is ready and is confident enough. What you are doing seems good enough. That's all you can do!

  4. she'll do it when she thinks shes ready. what your doing is all you really can do.

  5. my mother in law was telling me when he daughter was little she had the same problem so she walked with her daily but instead of letting her hold onto mommy's hands or fingers she held number 2 pencils  and her daughter would walk holding into the pencils..after 2 weeks of this she stood behind her daughter and started the walking but let go of the pencils and her daughter kept walking until she realized mommy wasn't holding on lol...she said she kept doing it daily and eventually her daughter would walk alone ;) best of luck!

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