
Exercises to keep RIDER in shape?

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It is MUCH to hot were I live to ride my horse 5 - 6 times a week...not just for me but for my horse too. It is between 90 - 95 degrees and 80 - 100% humidity (no lies I am serious that is how hot it is THANKS TO ALABAMA o.O)

Anyways, I am not to worried about my horse getting out of shape, because it doesn't take long for me to get him back. My question is are there any exercises to keep ME in shape? Especially my lower annoyes the c**p out of me when my lower leg moves and if I don't ride for three or four days it does :O

Thanks for any info...btw is anyone else stuck in the same bind as me with it being to hot for the horses to be ridden for more than 10 miniutes or so without horse, and rider, sweating to death xD




  1. Bounces. Stand on a 3-4 inch piece of wood with the top of your foot (where the stirrup should be), leg straight, and go up and down by just using your lower leg. This also helps stretch out your tendon, and will keep your heels down. Doing this on a stair would produce the same thing.

    BTW, I live in 110-120 degree weather, with 90% humidity.. I feel your pain =(  I just turn my horse out 4 days a week, and ride him the other 3 early in the morning so it's cooler (talking about 4:30 am lol)  =(    Hope this helps!

  2. Give pilates a go - it'll build and strengthen your muscles, and is a great help in riding.

  3. Considering its so hot why not try swimming ( if there is a pool avail of course ) i try to ride very early in the morning or late at night when it starts to cool.

  4. Kind of in the same position. Exept im a two states away from my horse for the next 17 days. Then i wont be able to ride her much as it is because its so hott! man i want central air in the barn! (riding area for her)


    A few things i do to get in shape is wake up around 7 when its not so hott, and go for a jog for about 10 minutes.

    Later i do crounches on a ball about 20 of those.

    Then to get the legs moving i do the alphabet with my legs. My gym teacher had us do it durn arobecs.

    You lay on our back lift your legs in the air. hold them together and make all lower case letters.

    OMG its extremly tiring! but it works!

    WHY CANT IT JUST BE PERFACT RIDING WEATHER ALL THE TIME!!!! lol. i gues we can only dream...

  5. Yep it hit 100 today with like some insane humidity percentage. I worked two horses an hour a piece and was dying by the end of it. Taking time off though is not an option though cause the show season is coming up soon (one is in 4 days and I am so excited). Anyway, I would think wall sits and running would keep your legs in shape if they are done regularly.

  6. Horseback riding uses several different muscle groups depending on the discipline, and requires that you be in shape to perform.

    Horseback riding typically uses the following muscle groups:





    Inner Thigh

    Inner Calf

    Outer Thigh

    Back of the Calf

    You will use different combinations depending on the type of activity, but these will be used every day. In order to stay in shape and to perform best while you ride, there are several exercises you can perform on a daily basis to help stretch, strengthen, and tone these muscle groups.


    If you have stairs in your home – perfect. If not, a stair stepper will do or a step ladder if you have one.

    Stand on the stair with just the front part of your foot at the edge (about as much as would be in a stirrup). Slowly stretch down and lower your heels until you feel the stretch in your calves, and hold for ten seconds. Then, raise up to your tip-toes and hold for another ten seconds.

    Reps: Do this fifteen times per day until it is easy, then increase to twenty.

    Why: This will help you learn to lengthen your leg in the stirrup and give your calf the strength to hold you in a two-point position. It will also give you more flexibility in the saddle.


    They make exercise balls for these types of activities, but I’ve found that a beach ball works just as well. You can use any rubber or plastic ball as long as it is at least a foot in diameter.

    Sit on a hard chair that allows your knees to sit at right angles to the floor. Scoot to the edge of the chair so that your thigh’s are completely off of it, and place the beach ball between your knees.

    Squeeze the beach ball between your knees, hold for fifteen seconds, and then release.

    Reps: Do this thirty times per day until it is easy, then increase to forty.

    Why: This is a great way to increase your ability to hang on to your horse with your thighs. It increases the outer thigh muscles.


    Using a bungee cord for your neck, shoulder, and arm muscles can make an amazing difference.

    First, attach the two ends together with the clips on the ends. Slip it around a stationary object (such as a fence post or hard-backed chair) and hold onto the object with your left hand, bending forward slightly. With your right hand, pull backwards on the rope, using the backs of your arms to increase tension on the rope. Bring your elbow up and back behind you. When you are finished, switch arms.

    Next, holding the ends in each hand, pull outwards with both arms, hold for fifteen seconds, and then release.

    Reps: Do each exercise ten times per day until it becomes easy, and then increase to twenty.

    Why: Your arms should be strong for riding in case you have a horse that wants to take off. You should have enough strength in your biceps and triceps to stop a runaway horse.


    Lay down on the ground with your legs propped up on a chair, calves parallel to the ground. Interlace your fingers behind your head, and raise yourself about five inches off the ground, keeping your back straight. Hold for three seconds, then lower yourself slowly back to the ground.

    Reps: Do this twenty times for a week, then increase to thirty.

    Why: Horseback riding uses your upper abdominal muscles, which aren’t worked doing regular crunches. Having your feet in the chair increases the tension on the muscles directly under your rib cage.

    (Sorry it's kind of long, but these exercises are great. You can use them temporarily until it cools down a bit and you can start riding again, or you can use them for strengthening your body to be in good shape for riding all the time.)


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