
Exercising?( I'll give best answer?!)?

by  |  earlier

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My dad sometimes has a little headache, and nausea after exercising fpor one hour on a cycle, and a Bow Flex machine.

Why is this?




  1. drink more water and eat a lot of food with protein.  

  2. u have to wait a couple of hours if u want to exercise after eating. that could stop your digestion and those r the symptoms

  3. One reason may be a lack of carbohydrates throughout the day, which is what provides a human with energy throughout the day.  Good sources of carbohydrates are potatoes, brown rice, and wheat bread.

    Another reason may be due to lack of hydration.  Is your dad drinking sufficient water throughout the day?

    Make sure your dad is not eating less than an hour before working out.  That could be a cause of nausea and a headache.

    Your dad should also make sure he is eating a sufficient amount of foods throughout the day, with all the necessary nutrients.  5-6 meals a day is best.  A multivitamin would also be very good.

    Since he is working out, he should be getting plenty of protein, 1 gram per pound of bodyweight.  Even giving up a recent habit like smoking or caffeine can sometimes cause this.  Make sure your dad isn't overworking himself, if he feels too tired to complete a workout session he should stop.

    Best of luck!

  4. He's dehydrated. Dehydration is when you don't get enough water, if you didn't know. Tell him to drink more water when he works out and he'll be fine.

  5. he could be pushing himself too hard, eating too much or too little before he works out  


    Headache is apparently caused by a stoppage of the digestive system is one answer, I forget the other but it was equally implausable...

    the real answer. His blood sugar dropped. Fats can't cross the blood/brain barrier and so to get enough sugars in a depleted state is difficult through this barrier, so while oxygen will go into the brain carbon dioxide will build up causing a headache.

    The nausea is because the lack of the liver's ability to release sugar - it is where sugar comes from during exercise normally since NORMAL FUNCTION MAKES THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM NATUALLY SHUT DOWN DURING HEAVY STRAIN DORKUS WHO ANSWERED BEFORE (sheesh) - fast enough to meet how fast it's being used up. The system does something UNNATURAL. It starts up digestive process when really it's not ready because all the ducts are shut down. It goes into persalitis or however it's spelled, but anyway, having those heavy contractions in an attempt to digest sugar when there's actually no food left in there causes the nausea.

    What a bunch of dorks online if only I could curse and not be bleeped out ;)

    One other thing dehydration could explain the headache but not the nausea as long as it's acute. If it's more of a PAIN than nausea then yeah. By the way you could have him drink a lot anyway more water won't hurt you until there's a LOT more all at once. Just to be safe. But I'm beting 99% of the farm that it's blood glucose levels. If you wnat to be real sure then get a glucometer at wal mart and prick his finger and test it if it's below 70mg/dl then I'll take the prize please lol.... And I will if you did go that far ;)

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