
Exercising after a chiropractic adjustment?

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How long should one wait to exercise after a spinal adjustment? I have been doing this the day after the treatment, however in the past I have been instructed to wait a few days (1-2).




  1. Well, this is going to sound pretty obvious, but the best person to ask is your chiropractor.

    He or she knows your health issue and the condition of your spine better than anyone on YA. The chiropractor should know the severity of your condition and whether you should wait one or two days or even more. If the chiropractor can't answer this kind of question, you should probably consider another chiropractor.

    I have seen chiropractors who don't have a clue about exercising. Plus, in my opinion, most spinal adjustments only last a few days. If the muscles around the spine are too weak, tight or imbalanced (left side of spine vs. right side), then the muscles will not keep the vertebrae properly aligned after the adjustment.

    I don't know what your health condition or injury is, but in most cases I recommend a physical therapist over a chiropractor. Good PTs can give you massages, plus heat pads, cold packs, and ultrasound therapy. Then they give you very specific exercises to do that are tailored exactly to what your injury or health condition is.

    Wow, I wasn't planning on writing so much. Good luck.

  2. I always tell patients to hold off the first couple times one day, but after that it really doesn't make any difference unless you are having pain or something.

    Many professional athletes and football players get adjusted right on the sidelines and then go right back and play.

    For some reason TV coverage doesn't show this - probably because all their bills are being paid by drug advertisements.

  3. And you should wait a few days.

    Ask your chiropractor again next time.

  4. I would wait for atleast a day to let the muscles and tendons relax.  Doing it too soon can cause the injury to come back or the back to move back into the wrong alignment.

    Funny story.  Went to chiro doc; got an adjustment.  Walking out (felt like a million bucks) dropped my keys and when I bent down to pick them up, my back spasmed and I went down like a rock.  Could not move at all.  Then ofcourse it started to rain.....  He came out, picked me up and got me home.  I LOVE my chiro doc and that he's handsome doesn't hurt either  LOL

    So yeah, take a day off; it won't hurt you and you're better for it.

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