
Exhausted! Anyone else?

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I work graveyard. My husband works day shift and he thinks he should not do anything around the house cause he is just so tired after he gets off work.

He thinks that I just don't do anything cause I work graveyard in a group home. There is alot of downtime cause of the type of work but my goodness I have to stay awake all night long. Come home get 3 hours of sleep before he goes to work. Then stay awake all day with 4 kids. It just wears me out sometimes. I also watch his other two kids he has with an ex once in a while.

Anyways enough of explaining my positon on the exhaustion. Anyone else out there who is just exhausted from life right now. :)

And to top it all off school starts soon. So no sleeping when I get home anymore I have to get kids ready. *sigh*

And I don't get to sleep when the others are in school cause not all of them are yet.




  1. i under stand what your going through! omg working in a graveyard must be stressful! But the ecomy right know best to keep your job! If your kids are close to teens and know beter i would teach them how to do chores and get them hooked on a alarm clock (the older ones*) Before you go 2 bed you could make their lunches and stick them in the fridge and set out what they are going to wear. For arrival you could get them on the bus route to make your life easier! To show your husband how tied you are you should get 2 plates ok, write down all the cores that need to be done every day on flash card whateva  and put all the chores you do on one plate and all he does. This will surprize him! For the children that dont go to school yet you could hire a babysitter. just somone to watch the kids while your doing stuff and sleeping. Like say a neighbor or somone that really likes kids. Interveiw them. If you do not like having somone in your house then you could put them in a daycare center were they can meet other kids and interact . i hoped i helped if not im only a teen

  2. I feel pretty exhausted lately, but I can't blame my circumstances (it's summer vacation, so aside from volunteering on Saturdays, college searches, and fun summer stuff, I'm pretty much free). I think it's probably allergies or a cold, can't think of a good reason to sleep 12 hours on 12 hours off and still be exhausted while I'm awake.

    During the school year I was tired because I got about an hours worth of homework in each class, had volunteer time, NHS, and all the rest of high school, but I still had it pretty easy compared to what you have to deal with (I am in awe of you right now)

    My mom was pretty exhausted a few months ago, because she had a night job that involved hours of paperwork, plus she was working a new day job and she needed to read up on... well everything.

    Honestly, it seems like everyone I know is fitting about 36 hours worth of "life" into each 24 hour day, which to me seems unhealthy.

    I hope your husband becomes a bit more understanding and your workload lightens up.

  3. Oh, hunny, I feel your pain!  Up until the time my daughter was 18 months old, I worked 60 hours a week and did everything around the house and yeah, well, everything - lol - plus went to college fulltime, hosted an exchange student from Thailand who ended up being a real trouble maker and liked to run away from school, helped my husband remodel our bathroom  (knocked out plaster and lathe down to the studs, laid new subfloor, put up drywall, laid tile put in all the fixtures, did all the wiring, mudded, painted, - everything by ourselves in our "spare" time, and since we only have one bathroom in our home, it was kind of important that we get it done in a timely matter with what little time we had), ran a community wide youth group, and took care of my daughter.  Yeah, it's not fun - I hear you.  

    Thankfully  though, life has slowed down for now I have 2 girls ages 2 years and 5 months and I'm a stay at home mom, I'm graduated from college, our bathroom is long since finished, and the exchange student is back in Thailand, and oh yeah, youth group is out for the summer!  :)  

  4. I just finished hosting a birthday party for 3 and 4 - year - olds - enough said!  Oh, and a virus just passed through our house.  After taking care of my very ill husband and son for the week, I caught it as well.  However, Mom is the only one in the family who doesn't get a sick day - remember the old Dymatap commercial?  Hehe.  Anyway, I had to go sick to a very important meeting at my son's new school yesterday, then swing him by the pediatrician's.  I started feeling better today just in time to get everything set up for his party and entertain a bunch of little ones for the evening.  It was fun, but I'm ready for some medicine and a nap.

  5. Sounds like you should rearrange your schedule. You need to take care of you before you can take care of someone else. Your husband should be the one doing most of the chores with you only getting 3 hours of sleep a night. It's proven that lack of sleep weakens your immune system and you will be more likely to become ill. I would try your best to find a good day care, and perhaps you can get daycare assistance from your state. What your doing isn't healthy, and it isn't good for the children either. They should be taken care of by a well rested adult. I will pray for you, and please don't keep torturing yourself by keeping with this schedule. You only have one life, do your best to enjoy it.

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