
Exhausted boy list pt 3...?

by  |  earlier

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My list of favorite boy names is SOOO long that I decided to split it into 6 parts. I would like you guys to comment on them INDIVIDUALLY: what comes to mind, how it sounds, how it looks, etc.


Errol (combo. Errol Rohan, air-ohl)

Ewan (yoo-in)

Faolan (fow-lin, combo. Faolin Klaus)



Godwin (means friend of God)


Gunnar (means warrior)



Hugh (hue)

Ivan (eye-vin)


Thank you!!




  1. 1) Hugh

    2) Ivan

    3) Gunner

    why not evan?

  2. i like Haven

  3. The only names I like on your list are Felix, Grey and Jack. The rest sound like old men or potential serial killers...(sorry, but that's my opinion)

  4. Errol: I'd never heard it before now, I really don't like the sound, probably because I'm not used to it. I think of the girl's name Carol right away, maybe as a middle name it'd be cute.

    Ewin: This is my grandfather's name, it's cute, but I like it better as a middle name, it doesn't seem like a strong enough stand-alone name if that makes any sense.

    Faolan: The way you pronounce it is cute, I love the way it looks written down, the spelling is perfect, however, not sure if it matters, I know a girl who's name is Fahlyn and it's pronounced as your boy's name is.

    Felix: It sounds hispanic, I don't really like the name, it just doesn't do much for me.

    Gerard: I think of a musician, it's not my top choice, I like Gabriel and Gage.

    Godwin: It sounds like something mythological, which is kind of interesting and gives it that unique factor, I like it as a middle name more than a first, but it wouldn't be a bad first name.

    Grey: I don't like this particular color name, sorry, it makes me think of grayhound, I don't know why, word association I suppose.

    Gunnar: This is kind of cute, different almost word-name that doesn't feel like you're trying too hard. I like it.

    Haven: This word name may be a little over the top but I kinda like it. Maybe as a middle name.

    Henry: Old-fashioned, classic, I think its cute but a little dated.

    Hugh: Same as with Henry, classic but dated, as a middle name it could work. It reminds me of an older man.

    Ivan: This is cute, I like it as a first or middle name, its pretty versitile, I think of an athletic teen or curious little boy.

    Jack: Probably my favorite of the ones you've listed, old-fashioned but adorable, I love that it's sophisticated without immediately reminding you of someone corporate. Nice pick.

  5. the only one I like is Jack. The others, well... I just can't picture a person with them.

    Henry I can, I just don't care for it

  6. from 10 being best to 1 worst

    Errol (combo. Errol Rohan, air-ohl)(1)-to old fashioned for my liking although I love Rohan

    Ewan (yoo-in)(1) hate this it just doesn't roll off the tongue nice

    Faolan (fow-lin, combo. Faolin Klaus)-(minus 10) sounds like you are talking about a horse giving birth not naming a baby

    Felix-(2) reminds me of felix the cat and would make a great name for a pet

    Gerard-(1) don't like the sound of this Gerald is much better

    Godwin (means friend of God)(minus 10) sounds horrible and more like a pets name

    Grey(1) if it was Greyson I would give it a better rating but Grey just sounds like a colour or a nickname

    Gunnar (means warrior)(4) this is ok I guess

    Haven(3) its ok

    Henry(8) best on your list so far(maybe Henry Rohan)

    Hugh (hue)(2) sounds to much like who or a foreign person trying to say you

    Ivan (eye-vin)(6) pronounced eye vin I dont like it but pronouced like its spelt eye van I love it

    Jack(10) I like this what about Jack Henry

  7. grey is my favorite of this list and adam from your first last.

    so, adam, carson and grey for me so far.

  8. Out of them all, my favorites are Ivan and Jack

  9. Love the name Jack, but the rest well I'm not sure of those

  10. I like Gunner and Haven

  11. Errol (combo. Errol Rohan, air-ohl) 2/10 remind me of the owl Errol on Harry Potter

    Ewan (yoo-in) 6/10 it's ok.  Reminds me of Ewan McGregor

    Faolan (fow-lin, combo. Faolin Klaus) 1/10 sounds too much like foul

    Felix - 5/10 it's ok; it's one of those name where it really needs to suite the kinda a lot, or it won't work at all

    Gerard -  6/10 - nice middle name

    Godwin (means friend of God) 2/10 ehhh....

    Grey - 2/10 not a color...

    Gunnar (means warrior) - 6/10like Felix, I'd really have to suit him or else.

    Haven - I'm pretty sure this is a girl's name

    Henry - 8/10 good, classic name

    Hugh (hue) 3/10 kinda plan

    Ivan (eye-vin) 4/10 kinda reminds me of the Hurricane

    Jack - 5/10 rhymes too much with Zach (and looks too close to Jake); that'll be really confusing to his teacher; it could score higher if not for that

    You're welcome :)

  12. Cool names! I suck at coming up with boy names!!

  13. Errol: It sounds very similar to Carol and to me it sounds too feminine.

    Ewan: I just don't like the sound of this, sorry.

    Faolan: I think this name would be a burden, people would constantly be saying it wrong.

    Felix: Reminds me of a cat.

    Gerard: Sounds way too pretentious and too old fashioned.

    Godwin: I think there are many last names that work fine as first names, but Godwin is not one of them, in my opinion.

    Grey: Not too bad, just kinda sounds depressing to me.

    Gunnar: I like this one a lot actually. This is my second favorite.

    Haven: I really like this name for a girl, it sounds too feminine to be used for a boy.

    Henry: A great classic, just not my style.

    Hugh: It's fine, I've never been fond of it, but it's ok.

    Ivan: I really don't like this one, Evan is a great name.

    Jack: The perfect classic name! You can't ever go wrong with Jack, great pick!

    Best of luck, sorry if I offended you, it's just my honest opinion.

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