I have settled into a city that has offered me a decent life and i am remarried to the most wonderful man on the face of this earth. But, there is a dark cloud over my head, leaving me questioning my future. I have recently learned that my ex husband lives right down the road from me and that he works at the local super marker where i shop. I haven't crossed paths with him"yet." I might of crossed paths with him and wasn't aware of it. Anyways he and i left on bad terms and i hate him. I don't hate many people but i do hate him and don't care to ever see him or hear his name again. My worst night mare has come true and why can't he live in the hundrends of thousands of other cities in america. I don;'t want to move, but i think i am giong to because the thought of him even being in the same city makes me seeth under the collar. We have taken our own paths, but i know he is a trouble maker and i won't be his puppet a gain, even if i accidently run into him. Any suggestions on how i can calm my fears of running into him before i move? I shop out of town, won't go any where with out my new husband, won't stay alone by myself, won't work by myself (self employed) because i don't feel safe. It has taken me to many years to get passed what my ex did to me and shattered my dreams. This is haunting me and sending shivers up my spine. He isn't a threat to me because i am not scared of him, i just have put the past to rest and don't care to resurface it.