
Exicited about getting bracess!? :]?!

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alrightt so i 'm getting braces tomorrow! and i'm pretty dang exicitedd!

i've been pretty much telling everyone that i'm exictiedd but one of my

friend's said "ohh.. um why are you that exicted? i can't believe your

actually exictiedd!!! having braces sucks.!" is that relaly, true or are

they just trying to like make me feel bad? i'm nervous now and scared..

so yeah please, help!!!! ASAP!<3




  1. The first week is h**l. I cried so much because they hurt so bad. Take tylenol, it helps a little. After the first week you get used to them, but it hurts when they are tightned. It also hurts if you get a chain.

    But its all worth it.


  2. Haha, i was just as excited as you were, but they hurt when you first get them, after a while, you get use to them and you won&#039;t really care anymore.

    If you have them for a year or more, you get tired of them and want them off, then you&#039;ll be excited to get them off. haha

  3. Braces hurt like HECCCKK!

    I was gonna actually ask why you were excited too.

    I really hope I&#039;m not freaking you out by telling you this, but having braces was one of the most excruciating times of my life.

    The braces will cut your mouth to shreds and your teeth will be in excruciating pain for about a week. . You&#039;ll get sick of looking at them in the mirror. They hurt every time they get tightened.

    The end result is good. Straight teeth.

  4. to be honest. having braces is nothing to be excited about.

    they make your teeth sore for a couple of days when you get them on, and when you get them tightened/adjusted.

    food gets stuck in them.

    they can cut up your mouth sometimes.

    its a pain to brush your teeth with them too.

    it wont be fun, but its nothing to be scared about either.

  5. ok so i have had braces for like 2 yrs now and righ before i go them on i was sooooo excited! just liek you and thats usually everyones reaction, the day i got them on as i was walkin out of the orthodonist office when they finished they didnt hurt at all, but then i went home and took a nap i woke up and felt pain! i felt kinda like i wanted to rip the d**n things off! soo time passed  by and my teeth felt better  and each visit to the ortho office got better and better until i found out i need to get my teeth taken out and yanked wit a chain wich the surgery didnt hurt, but then when i went to the ortho office i was cryin wehn they pulled the teeth down i wanted to smack the orthodonist right upside her head lol but anyway once they get in yer mouth and try to fix things sometimes htey make other things worse then they have to fix that too, its kinda liek a annoyin rollercoster ride but honstly its rly not that bad , jsut make sure u take pleanty of pain relivers BEFORE u get ur braces on and bring chapstick bc they keep ur mouht open wit this werid thing and it rly streches out ur mouth and coudl cause ur lips to crack

    well i no that was long but goodluck, ull be fine have fun picking out colors (dont pick black or white!!!!!!)

  6. whoa dude.i just got mine off a week ago.

    they are AWESOMEEEE :D need to be worried,the only bad tihng is that your teeth get a little sore after getting them tightened.really nothing is too painful at all! and trust me,i cant endure much pain.haha!well have fun!its really actually cool to have em after all :D plus when you get em off,your teeth look amazing!

  7. Honestly, you should be excited!

    Its just everybody has stereotyped braces in to being terrible, painful, evil!

    But if you think about it, they make your teeth straight! They make you look gorgeous! They&#039;re....awesome!!!

    The process may take a long time but its all worth it!

    I just got braces on a month ago and I also was very excited!

    Having braces can be painful at times but look at the end result....beautiful perley whites!

    Braces aren&#039;t that bad!!! Its great to be excited rather then being nervous and negative about it.

    Being happy and excited during the process actually makes it go faster!

    Don&#039;t be scared! Braces aren&#039;t at all bad! You should feel lucky that you actually get them. As you know, they are very expensive and some people desperately need them but they don&#039;t have the money!

    You should be excited! Because you&#039;re going to look GORGEOUS sister!

    Plus, braces are becoming a bit of a fashion statement if you ask me!

    Show them off and good luck!!!

  8. Having braces aren&#039;t as bad as some might think. Initially after getting your braces, you feel pretty good, only slight pressure on your teeth. But a few days later, your mouth will hurt when you try to bite something. Stay away from hard food, eat mashed potatoes or something. But after a week or two, you will be fine. Flossing is annoying though. Other than that, have fun.

    P.S. Don&#039;t eat nuts, or anything hard like that. I ate some corn-nuts and one of them ripped the metal ring that was anchored on my molar apart and it was cutting my tongue for a whole day before I could get it fixed.

  9. well i go braces and there not that bad i mean at first they hurt a lil but its no big deal the pain wont las long and you&#039;ll get use to them so theres nothing to worry about

  10. lol!!!! Im getting braces d 12 of august and im really excited and it may hurt sum but i dont really care some peple hate them cause of the pain and stuff getting stuck in them and just the way u have to take care of them, but if ur excited u have d right to no matter wat...if it scares you dont listen to her!!!!

  11. they&#039;re extremely painful and irritating. had them for 3 years. make sure you really do brush your teeth after every meal or the metal will start to smell. its really painful.

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