
Expalin why a glass bottle filled with water will shalter if placed in a freezer.?

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  1. Water expands when it turns to ice.  If the bottle is full, there's no room for it to expand, so it will break the bottle.

  2. Because when water turns to ice the molecules rearrange themselves

    into a crystal lattice. The lattice take up more room. The ice must

    expand. Cracked bottle results.

    By the way, that's why ice floats.The frozen water takes up more space,

    meaning less density than a equal volume of water.

  3. If it's a sealed bottle, the expansion of the water when cooled to freezing temperatures will cause it to shatter or crack.

  4. glass won't compensate for the expansion of the water once it freezes. this will cause the glass to break.  

  5. The Thermal Mechanics involved are ....

    Water begins to expand when it reaches 4°C on cooling.

    As it comes down to freezing point, (0°C) it has decreased in Density and Increased in Volume by about 8% of its original volume.

    If the bottle is completely filled (no air space), this expansion of the liquid produces a tremendous Hydraulic Pressure within the bottle which cannot withstand its force acting on the internal area of the glass.

    The bottle will shatter but, because the liquid is now frozen solid, it may not be noticed until removed from the freezer and the water begins to melt and run out.

    (This is the primary cause of burst water pipes in winter when a water line is completely full and isolated at both ends).

  6. molecules of water expand when it freeze

  7. Water is at its greatest density at about 4 degrees C, so cooling it below that, and the water expands. Since the bottle is already full, the bottle breaks.

  8. When water freezes the molecules of water line up in a way that makes them take up more space, so the ice expands and the pressure it exerts against the glass container is often more than enough to break the glass. Heck, it is enough force to break rocks apart. That's also why ice floats, by the way: ice is less dense than an equal weight of liquid water so it must float on the denser material.

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