
Expalin why the age of the Earth if probably not moe that 10 billion years of age?

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Expalin why the age of the Earth if probably not moe that 10 billion years of age?




  1. We have reliable evidence that points to the Earth being around 4 billion years old, based on geological and astronomical studies.

    You can get some really fascinating information at NASA's website!

  2. It's about 4.5 billion years old.

    The oldest rocks we can find are komatiites, which were formed when conditions on earth were mostly molten.  We also analyze radioactive minerals and their by-products.

  3. The universe is mostly composed of hydrogen.  Our star, Sol, is composed of hydrogen and many other elements.  That fact tells us that our star wasn't formed at the creation of the universe but much later.  Our star is a second (or later) generation star.

    The current theory of the formation of the planetary system revolving around our star, Sol, which we call Sol's system or the solar system is that the Sol and its planets all formed at approximately the same time.  From the content of certain radioactive elements in rocks and crystals we have found no rocks older than 4 .0 to 4.4 billion years old.

    It is generally agreed that the solar system formed shortly before that (if 100 to 300 million years is "short").  The age of the Earth is now thought to be 4.5 to 4.7 billion years old.

  4. The age of the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. We gather our understanding from studying radioactive decay and our understanding of our solar system.

  5. Because scientis have proven that any given species only lives on Earth for 10 billion years. Humans were created witht he Earth.

  6. Because the age of the universe is 12 billion year.

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