
Expansion of Space = Progression of Time?

by Guest61549  |  earlier

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Space and time are one in the same. We have time dilation, and consequently, we have space dilation. They are bound together from the big bang. So, we've observed that space is expanding. Nothing really has ever been said about time 'expanding'. My postulate, Expansion of Space = Progression of Time, suggests that as space expands time also expands, or progress. Think of it this way, we're all traveling into the future, right now, at the speed of time. This is the progression I'm talking about. As the time of our universe is progressing at its rate, finite or not, space is also progressing, or expanding. It is said the the expansion of the universe is greater than the speed of light, as light doesn't reflect off the newly expanded parts. Well, this may be hard to conceptualize, but because the speed of time is greater than the speed of light, we cannot see the future, in fact, we can only see the present, suggesting that the speed of time and the expansion of the universe are infinite.




  1. Time is not expanding, it is progressing, so you aswered your own question.

  2. You are right,space-time is a finite entity and eventually it will expand out of existence.

  3. I hope you are studying physics. Space and time are related but no they are not equal. I believe you may be confused with the idea that energy is related to mass. Time unfortunatly is not a force and neither is space therefor it cannot progress or expand. You need to read some of Ensteins and Newtons Doctrines. Hope i pointed you in the right direction.

  4. Yes, I have considered the same thing several times.  And here's something more: suppose that the rate of time passage as we look back in time, is asymptotic to time zero?  By our reckoning of time, it is about 13 billion years old.  But with this kind of logarithmically accelerated time line, it is essentially infinite in age.  I know these are fanciful thoughts.  They're fun to consider.

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