
Expats: Why did you leave South Africa? I left because of "afemtiv ekshen". How about the rest of you?

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Expats: Why did you leave South Africa? I left because of "afemtiv ekshen". How about the rest of you?




  1. I haven't left yet but have finalised my Australian permanent residence visa, we decided to leave primarily as this country has no future for white children thanks largely to the anti white racism of the ANC and their related racist employment laws.

    To be frank, I also won't miss being outnumbered by an uncivilised race who despise us and don't want to be in South Africa when the ANC have finalised South Africa's journey to becoming a truly African nation (cesspit).


    Ayiza - You shoud seriosly make a concerted effort to inform yourself of the facts before making a fool of yourself and jumping to irrational conclusions. It is physically impossible to do a Permanent Residence application in 4 months kaffir, Chicky Boo has obviously gone to New Zealand on a work permit and will do her PR visa later, it takes 6 months to book the English IELTS tests alone and the skills assessment is another 2 to 3 months followed by a 6 to 8 months wait after the lodgement of the final visa, there are no exceptions.

    As for me, my application is indeed complete and yet again your kaffir memory is displayed, how many times have I said I cannot leave until my house is sold, are you going to buy it?

    In future do some research or test your useless memory before calling others liars.

    You really are a typical ignorant street kaffir.

  2. aids

  3. I first left to the UK just on a working holiday, but as SA got worse and worse I married my boyfriend, a South African with a UK passport and decided to stay. I know he would find it difficult to get a job in SA and I'm terrified of the crime, 90% of the people I know in SA have been affected by crime and that is by no means normal!

  4. We saw that there was no future 10 years ago. That was before BEE and AA. Now most of my friends - who had a lot to say when we left - are leaving or have left. We didn't have kids then so it was easier.

  5. d**n that's a weak reason to live.

    I must say I am not surprised.

    I am sure most that left because they were head hunted for proper skills they have and crime.  

    To them BEE and AA formed part of the reason not the only reason like you.



    Last year you were living earlier this year , then earlier this year you were living in June.

    And you are still here. He! he! he!

    Finalizing your Visa my @@S.

    Chickyboo did everything in 4 months.

    You had 2 years.

    Lies, they eventually catch up with you Bull.

    Do you not read your bible.(You have claimed to be christian)

  6. It´s very funny that we left Germany to come back to SA because we believed that with apartheid gone, SA would become a better place !!! And we wanted to be there right from the first hour and experience this thriving country growing into this new era !!

    That was in 1993.  By 2002, not much got better, but lots of things got worse, including the economic situation, the employment laws, and especially the crime.

    We could not plant anything on our land, could not keep any animals because it would all have been stolen.  We had over 20 break-ins, our next door neighbours were shot, and their neighbour stabbed to death.  We could not leave the farm because my husband would not have gotten a job because he is white. And there were no buyers for farms that show such high rates of break-ins.

    Our only alternative was to move back to Germany, rather poor, but alive and not discriminated againt.

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