
Expats in France?

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I have dual US and French citizenship, and used to live in Paris. I am considering a move back to France within the next several years, but am tempted to relocate to a region other than the Île-de-France. I would be interested in feedback from any native English speakers who live or have lived in France (other, once again, than the Paris area): some of the positive and negative aspects of where you're located, how easy or difficult you found it to adapt, the extent to which fluency in English did or didn't help you professionally, etc.




  1. You might want to check out Saint Louis, in the Alsace region.  While it is not one of the more beautiful French towns, and it is very small, the advantages are that it is on the border of both Switzerland and Germany.  I currently live in Basel, Switzerland, which borders both France and Germany.  There is an abundance of things to do...museums, galleries, concerts, loads of outdoor activities..... public transportation is very good.  I only speak English and have been here 3 years.  Sometimes it is a challenge, but somehow I always get by!  Good luck to you.

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