
Expectations of a MAJOR earthquake in NYC?

by Guest21569  |  earlier

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i read online that there is supposed to be a major earthquake soon in new york city.... does anyone have any idea when this earthquake is going to hit? i'm concerned due to the fact that i will be going to new york city saturday for the US OPEN.




  1. My friend, I just watched the news report here on one of the local TV station, and according to experts an earthquake will hit NYC for at least 50 years. The last time this city had earthquake was around 8 years ago, and the one a small shaker that was mostly felt in the suburbs.

    Good luck

  2. Earthquakes can't be predicted the same way weather can be.  In earthquake terms, "soon" can mean "within decades."

    I've seen the news reports, they're mainly describing the fact that researchers have discovered characteristics of faultlines that they didn't know before.  These faults under NYC could theoretically cause a major earthquake, but there's no way to say exactly when.  Heck, it might not happen for hundreds of years.

    However, nobody's saying that there's supposed to be an earthquake tomorrow or anything like that.  Again, "soon" is a very relative term, especially when talking about earthquakes.  If a major earthquake happens in ten years, geologists call that "soon" as well.

    Enjoy the Open, it's a great place to be!

  3. woah ive never heard of that! thats scary though if it's true...

    Im going to nyc tomm. hopefully nothing will happen!

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