
Expecting a romantic proposal?

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Is it wrong to expect that your proposal will be a romantic one?

I'm not saying movie romantic, but at least a little?

I'm getting engaged in a few days.

We have been together 5 years, have a house, ect, so it was a joint decision we both talked about, and chose the ring together

He decided the date about 6 months ago, but when we were talking the other day, he revealed he hasn't even thought about how he's going to ask

He's fantastic guy, but doesn't have a romantic bone in his body

I'll be at work all day, then he wants to go to his parents to tell them, then we have mine for dinner.

I just know it's not going to be very romantic at all

Should I be disapointed that the most romantic moment of my life isn't going to be at all, or should I just be glad he's finally getting around to it?




  1. you should tell him you want to be suprised!  i knew all about mine but he gave it to me at the most unexpected moment.  i didn't know he had picked it up from the jeweler yet and i was so suprised.  i will never forget it.

    just tell him.......... you need a story to tell the grandkids.

  2. 4 now don't imagin anything but u shud think that the idea of preposing esp from a beloved one is a romantic thing

  3. Its hard to for a mortal man to live up to all the expectations women develop due to so many reasons, movies (which are modern day fairy tales) being only one of these reasons.

    Also, a lot of guys are not aware of how important it is  for women to have a romantic proposal story, so maybe you could help him out by dropping a subtle hint like setting down with him when he is not watching TV or have anything else going on and saying 'So and So's (some real person that you know, not somebody from a movie or romance novel) husband proposed to them in the most romantic way.  I would sort of like to have a story like that to tell my girl friends or possibly daughter one day.'  If you want to drop a guy a subtle hint, you need to do it in a way that is sort of similar to being hit in the face with a frying pan (proverbially speaking) because we don't often pick up on the subtle hint thing very well.

    If for some reason he does not come through while disappointment may be an appriopriate reaction, allowing this disappointment to significantly affect your relationship would not be a good idea.  At this point you need to use reason (a woman using reason I know not a very likely occurance, but we can hold out hope :-) ) and come to the realization that many of your hopes and dreams can still be realized throughout the rest of what you expect to be a rather long life, and having this one disappointment is not that big of deal.

  4. So just plan dinner for the two of you!

    I'm just thinking that this is all because of circumstance - you've been shacking up, you were there to choose the ring - the surprise of it all is kind of gone already...

    But romance can be found anywhere, anytime - just be a participant, and don't expect him to do everything!

  5. So then I am thinking if it is something you already know that is going to happen and you wait it to be romantic etc. Why would you rely on him to do it romatically? Make it romantic for the both of you and ask him

  6. You should'nt be dissapointed to him because you don't know he is planning to have a great move though it's just a dinner and he has a unique proposal for you. You 2 have more celebrations to come and at the future he might surprise you during your anniversary...

  7. I think us girls put way too much pressure on a guy's proposal!

    I knew my boy had bought the ring and it was killing me trying to figure out how he would do it. I had told him i didn't want to do it in a restaurant or something so cliche.

    So one night after i got home from work, we were talking and he gave me this little teddy bear with a note around its neck saying read me. SO i read it and there were these beautiful words about why he loved me, etc. and then i turned around and he was on his knee with the ring.

    It was so totally unexpected, so thoughtful and just perfect. It doesn't have too be a massive gesture just thoughtful.

    Besides if he took you out to a fancy restaurant, you'd know what was going to happen!

    Good luck. Try not to act disappointed if you don't get the fairytale proposal. Imagine how hurt he'd be. The poor boys are nervous enough! Even when they know you'll say yes.

  8. Our proposal was really cute and sweet.

    IMO it does not need to be romantic.

    Especially if you say he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body.

  9. No, you can't expect a romantic proposal, because you just described your mate as "not having a romantic bone in his body."  I got news for you----your future marriage is already headed for trouble.  It appears as if the man you are attached to is completely the opposite of what you want and need.  You CAN'T MAKE a person be who you want them to be.  They either are or not.  He's not and he WON'T be for your birthday, anniversary, wedding, Christmas, and any other event that you may think is important.

  10. The most important issue here is Can you live with this person for the rest of your life?? I had boyfriends who were always romantic  (and boy do us girls love that), however I never had "that spark"with them. The one I fell for and now am with for life is the least romantic ever, but I am in love with him. Yes us girls love the romantic proposal, but don't put too much pressure on him or you if he is not that type. You could give a little hint, but the main thing is How much you love each other and have found each other. Why don't you suggest that you visit his parents then go for dinner by yourselves and then book into a hotel for the night?? He might get the hint. Enjoy and decide if he is the one not the proposal.

  11. I've told my darling to not even bother proposing unless it's going to blow me away. Guys are just so lazy if they can't make an effort on one day that's meant to be most romantic day of your life.

    It's something a guy really needs to make an effort for. If you let them get away with not making an effort, then they'll never bother. That was the mistake I made the first time around with my partner, I didn't make him treat me like a princess. And I don't mean expensive gifts, but for him to just go to some effort to make me happy.

    So this time around I've told him he needs to lift his game and spoil me a bit - ESPECIALLY when he proposes. We're already planning to get married but it's off in the distant future (although being the typical girl I have every detail planned in my head already) and we're not officially engaged or anything.

    I reckon you just need to tell him he needs to put some effort into it because it's important to you.

  12. I think you need to talk to him about how you feel. Let him know that you want a spontaneous romantic gesture... give him a couple of hints as to what would be a good idea, my partner is the same, he can't think of any romantic ideas on his own... every now and again I tell him about how one of my friends was proposed to, this gives him ideas and then he can chose to alter them slightly or not!

    Good luck!

  13. Mine wasn't romantic.  I left pictures all over the place about what I wanted in a ring (he never said a word about 'em, so I didn't know if he even saw them or if the dog ate 'em!!).  But I know the day he was going to purchase it.  I had always wanted a sweet/ thoughtful proposal, but didn't get that.  We were at my favorite restaurant having a normal lunch and he popped the question.  I could see the box in his pocket, so it wasn't a surprise at all.  But the excitement and anticipation of WHEN he was going to do it totally made it everything I ever wanted.  After almost 6 years of talking about it, just reaching that point fulfilled my every dream

  14. dont exspect any thing cuse u never know

  15. I want a romantic proposal too, even tho we've been together 4 years and already talk about getting married all the time!

    I would seriously tell him, "I know I already saw the ring and we're planning on how to tell our families, but I really want you to give me the ring as a surprise. I don't care how, I just want one little surprise to make our engagement seem more special, and not just like a business deal."

  16. I think in some way a proposal is always going to be romantic no matter time or location it is always going to be an extra special moment! =) x*x

  17. My fiance does not have  one romantic bone in his body and he managed to pull of the most romantic and unexpected proposal ever.

    We had ring shopped, but I did not really know if it was ever going to happen. I was beginning to think it would never happen and I was ina dead end relationship.

    He surprised me  during an after dinner walk around a river front park.He got on his knee and I did not even know what was happenning. It was a perfect sweet surprise. To this day I am still shocked at how smoothly he pulled it off. I thought he would toss me the ring over hot wings or something..seriously.

    Don't underestimate your guy...

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