
Expecting baby boy,some people are upset?

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i'm almost 5 months pregnant and yesterday at doctor's we found out that it's a boy,( we have also 15months old boy)

so my mom+mother in law and some people family friends were disappointed, "Boy, again?" my hubby and i r happy boy/girl. what can i do to to make them quiet, ignore? can't really say "shut up"..what u do in this case?





  1. Same thing happened to me.

    I have 2 boys and on the day I told everyone about the second, people were like "oh, another boy."  

    I just smiled and said "yes.  It's another boy, we're really excited because both of our families is full of girls, so having brothers will be awesome!"

    And it is!!!!!

  2. Congratulations! They will probably be best friends. I would just ignore the comments. People just say whatever comes to their head and dont really know what to say  when it comes to babies sometimes. They will eventually stop, hopefully.

  3. Thats so horrible that people are making such rude comments. Obviously the s*x of the baby shouldn't matter at all but I suggest that if people continue to say stuff like that, just say something like, "yeah, we're excited because the boys will be best friends." My mom had just 2 girls and my sister and I are best friends and always played together when we were kids and I wouldn't want it any other way. Don't worry about other people's opinions though, you're very lucky to be having 2 baby boys! :)

  4. When someone says "Another boy" just respond "I know, isn't it amazing? We are so excited"- it makes it hard to respond to.

    As to your mother, I would tell her that her comments hurt you a great deal. If this is a pattern for her, you might want to start distancing yourself from her.

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