
Expecting or woman than have had a baby

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ok so I'm trying to get pregnant

my last period was on july 20th and i went to this website.. can some help me...

it says the 5th is when the egg implants?.. could me haveing light cramps on the right side be good signs??

and ive looked at other sites... so i mean what could this cramping be??.. also i have had a little but more discharge then i usaly do... have any of you had this??




  1. When I ovulate, I can feel it on one side, the next month it is on the opposite side, this is a good sign.  Time to get busy!

  2. You are probably ovulating.  Alot of women experience slight pain or cramps when they ovulate, they usually just don't know it because they're not paying that close of attention.  discharge is probably cervical mucous.  you are probably fertile, have s*x now.  

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