
Expecting too much from family member and asking to help them out? ?

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My SIL was here while my MIL (her mom) was watching the kids yesterday. SIL USES MIL (her mom does and does for her, it annoys her mom but she never speaks her mind but tells me how much her daughter annoys her w/ expecting things from her) and I feel as if she thinks we will not say anything.

SIL came by yesterday and did some laundry here. Used our laundry detergent/water/electricity. Things are tight enough w/ $. Do I mind, NO but she didn't ask. When SIL is here watching the kids for us, I don't mind at all. She is helping us out, we can help her out! If she had just said do you mind if I do a load of laundry there I would have said fine.

B/c I and my husband were not here she just came over and had her mother do it! MIL was foolish enough to say nothing and do it. Yes, she enables her. If it matters, SIL is going to be 28 in January!

So sorry this was so long but is it too much of us to expect her to ASK if we mind? Or b/c it's family, it shouldn't matter?




  1. She just needs to be set straight on what is and is not allowed around your house.  Her feeling will probably be hurt for a short time then she will be over it but know what to expect in your house.


  2. it's just plain rude to use people - thats not a genuine person - she needs to be set straight asap...good luck

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