Hi I was trying to start a student organization at my school. We were called The Committee on Racial Integrity and the Furtherance of White Causes. When I was in the process of recruiting members and potential officers I was stopped by the campus police and accused of being a racist and prejudiced when I am not. They said that I would likely be thrown out of school for what I had done.
I had also printed out campaign literature documenting instances in black popular culture that they [the blacks] might want to sooner forget about and statistics on mexicans and blacks that may have provided a discriminatory slant against said peoples.
The main objective of my organization was not to inspire hate but rather pride in the white culture in heritage. It was about Christian, white, young men getting together and celebrating our history as a people in North America. Nothing racist at all about that.
Now my question to you is, do they have the authority to throw me out of school for this?
And plus I am mildly autistic if that helps any.