
Expelled: No Intelligence Aloud... your take?

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If you haven't seen it please don't give your uninformed opinion.

I recently saw it and found there to be much truth in it. Even if you don't believe in intelligent design, I would think that you would have to agree with its point: evolutionists in general tend to drown out the voice of dissenters.

I found wikipedia's article on it to be PROOF that the movie was right. The bashing of the movie is proof that liberals (you will notice a bit a of a liberal bias on the site) cannot stand dissent. I found the article ridiculous, especially considering that wiki is meant to be an encyclopedia.... NOT a review.

Here's the article:

Anyways, I'd be interested to hear your views.

On the article, the movie, intelligent design or otherwise.




  1. Didn't the part about associating evolution with the holocaust bother you *at all*?  The visit to Dachau.  Ben Stein (who is Jewish) burying his head in his hands and weeping over the deaths of millions of Jews as if he was hearing it for the first time.  And blaming evolution for this?!   None of that bothered you?

    This was the shameless, obscene exploitation of the horrible deaths of millions of people, to make a cheap hack-job political swipe at scientists!

    What on earth did that have to do with the topic of academic freedom?   What on earth did that have to do with arguing the *scientific merits* of Intelligent Design?

    That alone should have told you that you were watching a movie made by people with absolutely NO honor, no shame.

    Couldn't you *SEE* that?

  2. Intelligent design. It's creationism in a tuxedo suit - Richard Dawkins

    You can't just assume that an intelligence created everything. That's not what the scientific method suggests.

    It's like these pseudoscientists observed these animals and was like "Let's find out where they came from.....OW my head hurts! Let's just assume an intelligence did it" and the stop from there. Why stop when there's more knowledge underlying this? There is no progress.

    Can you be an atheist AND believe in Intelligent Design? No. So it's also discriminatory.

    Intelligent Design was created by pseudoscientists to get more people to believe in a god. It all leads to it (almost always a christian god).

    I can't believe the USA is still having a debate about this. Anyone from England would tell you evolution as if they studyed it since preschool.

  3. I saw the movie.  It very accurately depicts the contempt with which new ideas are treated in academia.

    What a breath of fresh air!  Thank you Ben.

    Darwinism is not science it is only wild speculation.  It should be removed as a required topic in order to open a discussion of other possibilities.

    The movie shows very well how free speech is restricted in colleges and now in schools.  Some of the answers here are examples meanness with which original ideas are treated.

  4. Do scientists suppress new ideas? Undeniably. After all, if a scientist devotes 20+ years to a theory, they don't want it to be wrong. Having said that, if a theory IS wrong, no amount of suppression can prevent the truth from being known. Having said this, Intelligent design is not science. It's okay to believe in intelligent design just so long as you don't call it science or teach it as a scientific theory...

  5. my thoughts on "otherwise": wow, so the lay public thinks they know something about something because they went out and saw a movie.

  6. Science has a method by which new ideas can be evaluated and tested. The ID'ers have not put any testable hypothesis before anybody, but wish to settle the question politically. This is not the way science works.

    ID is pseudo-science. Period

    You are a very gullible young lady that has not yet learned to think.

  7. Intelligent design is not science.  That is why it is not included in the teaching of science.  Saying you're persecuted for not being able to teach 1+1 = 11 is just as ridiculous as saying you're being persecuted for wanting to teach religion as science.

    70% of the American public doesn't accept evolution - and you're claiming you're in the minority?  Fortunately, science is based on evidence - it's not a democracy.

    People have been breeding animals for centuries, and that's what Hitler was trying to do - in the name of God, not Darwin.  He was a Christian, and mentioned that a good 20+ times in Mein Komf - funny how he never mentioned evolution.

    Social Darwinism is not evolution.  Everyone dies, and most people accept that fact.  Does that mean you should go around killing everyone?  Of course not.  Evolution happens, and some people accept that fact.  Does that mean you should allow people with diseases to die?  Of course not - we use evolution in science and medicine daily, but we're using it to stop natural selection when we can.

    You have been lied to, obscenely.  You should be upset with these people for taking advantage of your lack of education in science.  Go here to find out the other lies they told you - mostly about they 'martyrs'.

    EDIT:  People who claim science suppresses new ideas have never practiced science.  You don't get published for confirming something we already know.  You don't win the Nobel Prize for something everyone knows.  You only get ahead in science by having a new idea that challenges what we think we know.  If intelligent design had ANYTHING behind it, we would listen to them and evaluate their science.  But they have no science.  There's nothing there.

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