
Experience martial artists, is it possible to look cool and say cool one-liners during a real street brawl?

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Like, what you see in the TV, where the tough macho good guy gets ganged up by five street guys (bigger or equal sized with him) while there are people, most especially, hot women watching the street fight unfold, hoping that the good guy beats the c**p out of the street guys. And when one or two street guys attack, on the same time, he could do a combo move that takes out the two guys and still afford to say a cool one-liner, like, "Sorry guys, I don't do two-on-ones with men" and then the crowd will then think, "Whoa! That was cool". And then you do combos and beat up the other three guys left and finish off whoever stands back up and then do a cool magazine cover tough-guy pose that totally attracts the hot female audiences mind and say another cool one-liner: "That was some good exercise there.". And after the encounter, you pick up a hot date and a lot of women's numbers just in case the women you chose got boring.

Is that really possible in a real life street scenario where people are looking? For you experienced martial artists, I mean. Or are there only a few, from what I mentioned, that you can actually do real life?

Those questions be addressed in two different scenarios, first one, all of them have weapons, second, few of them have weapons, third, they got weapons that they picked up from the area (like a rock or some random weak stick or a can of beer or something), and fourth, none of them have weapons. In all these situations, you yourself have no weapon.

Experienced martial artists, is this possible? Or even, just, plausible or feasible, even?




  1. Kid, you're in for a rude awakening.  

  2. Depending on who your fighting, YES.  

    How do I know?  'Cause I've done it.  Some smack talking punk threw a punch at me that for all his talking was so clumsy, I simply ducked out of the way saying YOU'RE TOO SLOW.   This ducking continued several times with my stating to his face all the time: YOU'RE TOO FAT!  YOU'RE TOO STUPID!  etc. etc.

    So it really depends on the situation.

  3. Only if you are JAMES BOND .Real fighting is a bloody brutal sloppy mess.No nice neat stylized form .Maybe you are young and worried about new feelings and emotions and want to control them by appearing "cool" in all situations.

    Might be good in some situations but when it comes down to your life let it all hang out hold nothing back.

    All that matters is your life and survival.Want to impress hot chicks ?Study hard become a millionaire you will have to beat them off with a stick.The best is yet to come .

  4. Dont listen to those old hags down there, you can say alot of things before a fight that inhance your kick *** abilaty, Im mma fighters do it all the time, like for example wanderli silva wrist rolls, or other fighters jump around to sike themselves up, and that makes them look bad ***, It also kinda intimidates your opponent.

  5. well dude , first off why, and no i highly doubt it, maybe if u where punching him and trying to bring up some rage by shouting something  like , "mother#@!$%","bit(*)", or something like that but like u said u would have that panicked look , personally i would avoid the whole thing,

  6. Ha ha.... Not really, once the violence has commenced there's no break-time until it's over.

    Now in high school i was getting jumped by a couple guys in the locker room. It was after PE and i was standing in front of my locker when two of the guys came over to me. They started getting in my face and I made fun of them for wanting to "hug" me while I was naked. The people around found it hilarious, but the guys wanting to fight didn't. Needless to say it didn't end well. I had another incident in the weight room while bench pressing. A guy came over and tried to choke me with the barbell by putting his weight on it. I benched him up made a stupid comment about not needing his help and he tried fighting again. Well, he flinched to punch and both of my fists met his face before he raised his arm above his waist. That also didn't end well.

    Just so you know, the comments I made were in fear. I made them thinking the guys would get embarrassed and leave, or think it was funny and befirend me for my "courage".  I don't recommend trying that at all, it doesn't make you look cool. Even if you win the fight.

    I had a big reputation, for being a small guy. I had to, people have jumped and fought me for no reason at all since I was 5. Yes, I got into fights at 5. I am thoroughly glad that I haven't been in any in a few years. The last one a guy tried to stab me, and I kicked him in the face. When he woke up and people told him that I hit him he came over to me and asked why I did it. I told him he shouldn't have tried to stab me, and walked away.

  7. that is why most martial artists don't go looking for trouble...

    Looking cool, or surviving?  take your pick

  8. What are you looking for? You have had four responses, all from experienced martial artists that know what they are talking about. In no way shape or form would I advise trying to come up with a cool one liner while you are trying to defend yourself.

    For one thing much of your concious brain shuts off and you rely more on your instincts, so thinking about what to say is just ludicrous,, and I don't think that anyone that knows what they are doing will tell you yes you can do what you are asking about and still fight effectivly.  

  9. If you were in a street-brawl I don't think that ANYONE would have time to look/talk 'cool' because you'd be too busy trying to stay alive/unhurt/trying to avoid the full implications of confrontation.

  10. Why dont you try that out and tell me how things turn out .....  

  11. Hi there

    It most certainly is!

    Only problem is speaking afterwards may be a tad difficult after your teeth need a slight reconfiguration!

    By all means say what you like to your attackers but expect to take the consiquences for your actions.

    Personally i would keep my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut!

    Trust me you'll have your hands full focusing on just those two!

    Best wishes


  12. Yes, it's possible. It's possible that someone, somewhere would be stupid enough to stick around and make stupid, corny one-liners after a fight where he could well have ended up in a hospital or morgue. That's not cool, bubba. That's just arrogant. Arrogance is ego, and ego has no place in a fight.

    Truthfully, there's typically too much adrenaline flowing for that kind of garbage. Training gives you the improved motor skills to react without thinking, but thinking up one-liners and being witty, let alone saying them would probably be asking a bit much.

  13. in a real street fight I think your main concern would be for life and limb and not for your level of cool.

    fighting in itself is not "cool"

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