
Experience or someone you trust and agree with?

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This is actually a bi-partisan question. In general, would you rather have a President (or any politician) who you agree with politically but has little experience or someone who you don't really agree with but has tons of experience?

Tip...try to keep today's situation out of it when answering.




  1. Someone I agree with.

    I want someone who will do what I want them to do.

    If you choose the experiance but you don't agree with them then they WILL do what you don't agree with.  

  2. I'd rather have the trust/agreement combo.  

  3. personally, someone you like and agree with goes a longer way. It's like saying, would you hire the nanny b9tch who has a stellar resume but you can't stand her in any shape way or form, or the really n ice amazing person who clicks with you so well you can cry, but only just started out?

    The nice person may not be as experienced but eventually they will be, so why not give them a chance?

    It's like saying, like the evil people, just because they're great and powerful and able, and not the nice guys who are poor, etc.

  4. I want someone who is willing to take a stand and not play the "let us all take a step back" card.  With the international community growing unstable, I vote for experience.  I'm not sure if by 'today's situation' you mean the IC, but considering what happens out there effects us in here, I can't ignore it.  Sorry, but that's what happens when a political scientist gets a hold of a question like this!

  5. Experience is best any day over stupidity and laziness.  Age and wisdom go hand in hand.  Youth and stupidity go hand in hand.  I don't agree with Obama about most things.

    Yea I'll take the experienced any day.

    McCain IS our new president.

  6. Would You rather go to the lake with an experienced swimmer, or someone that sits with his toes in the water, and hates getting wet?  

  7. Someone I trust and agree with.  Sometimes experience can be the wrong kind, or leave one stuck in the old ways.

  8. i base my vote on whose platform most closely aligns with my own. neither candidate reflects my politics very closely, but one actively works against my guiding principle when thinking about politics (social justice) while the other at least agrees that social justice is an important issue in this country.

  9. I want someone who makes rational, concise and well-thought decisions that are fair and legal.

  10. they can act or dance any way they want its up to you to believe that he will do a good job look at his views for health care and how he can only improve your country. this is not a pagent this is your future at stake remember what man has truely told the truth?

  11. When I was in the Army, I preferred to be under the command of someone I trusted and agreed with. All the Desert Storm experienced commanders seemed to be hung up on antiquated methods, making us charge a hill for the ribbons sake. (Because heaven forbid they retire without a bronze star.) That's what got us killed in Iraq. So, I prefer a well-educated trustworthy and diplomatic leader to one that's still taking notes from the Monroe Doctrine.

  12. experience isn't always the best and certainly not the only indicator to use.

    I have gotten promotions ahead of people that had been working for the same company for 20 years or more.  They had experience, but they didn't have the other qualities necessary to get those promotions.

  13. My preference would be to have someone I agree with that has shown in some way that they believe what they are saying.  This takes some kind of experience but experience is only good if it comes with the right ideas.  

    George Bush has a lot of experience as President but if he were able to run again I wouldn't vote for him because I don't think he has made good decisions.  

    Obama can have all the ideas in the world but he hasn't acted on any of them during his time in office.  Why would I believe he will start now?

    McCain has lots of experience and has stuck to his beliefs but I don't agree with some of his key ideas

    It makes it a tough choice when it comes to voting.  

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