
Experienced breeders only please... My German Shepherd is atleast 57 days preg. Her temp dropped 1 degree...?

by  |  earlier

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this morning now it is back up to normal 100.4 is it still possible for her to have her pups? She is acting fairly normal however digging at her bed sometimes... What are your thoughts? Will they come in the next 24 hours or closer to the 63rd day??




  1. What did your Mentor have to say about the fluctuations?

    Chances are no, the pups will not be here within 24 hours.

  2. We can't possibly tell you what's going on, we're not there.

    If you have questions or concerns, please call your vet.  Don't trust your dog's health and safety to a bunch of strangers on the internet.

  3. You don't want her having them today, it's too early. I think you have a couple more days anyhow.

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