
Experienced mommies only!?

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I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant & have had some symptoms that kind of make me nervous like:

headaches with numbness

short of breath

& basically just feeling terrible all day!

What I'm asking is if you will list all your weird/scary pregnancy symptoms that you have/had!




  1. Well I have a 2 year old girl and her pregnancy was pretty easy the only weird thing I had with her is I saw little lights toward the end I was getting toxemia, other than that perfect pregnancy.  I am now 5 months pregnant with another girl and have had tons of bad symptoms such as twitching and cramping in my butt due to dehydration, headaches everyday, acne, light headed, excessive weight gain, nausea all the time still rashes on my legs and huge b*****s that are very tender and I also just feel miserable all day too.

  2. Well I am a mother of two and have one in the oven , Let me give you some advice drink plenty of water and snack on something all day. crackers, fruit stuff like that. Because when i was in my first trimester I had those same feelings and one day i passed out at work. My doctor said I needed to eat and drink plenty of fluids. GOOD LUCK!

  3. Welcome to pregnancy - between 9 - 16 weeks I had constant headaches, vomiting and felt awful all day. Rest assured it doesn't last forever...and it's all worth it in the end

  4. I'm carrying baby # 4 now and with everyone of my pregnancies I felt real bad.  I had headaches alot (but not with numbness), and I was never short of breath, so you might want to get that checked out.  My personal experiences were I had alot of sickness, I had dizzy spells (fainted once due to blood pressure), hot flashes, but thats about it.

  5. with my second i got this shading in my face like i was getting a weird tan. i grow cysts on my face but they go away after baby is born that was with all three of my kids. i would get dizzy just turning around or standing i would get dizzy. i had a sharp pain in my back that made my leg go out. with my son i had to eat candy or else i would get sick and when i did feel sick eating candy stopped the nausea.

  6. I have had all the things you mentioned, plus:

    dizziness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, insanely painful leg cramps in the middle of the night, overwhelming exhaustion, zero energy even after a good sleep, hot flashes, spotting (like period-type), cramps, backache (still have that one and my son is 9 months lol.)

    The list could go on forever, but luckily, not every one has all those symptoms, and they were never all at the same time. Some happened in the beginning, some at the end, and they were all bearable and well worth it, it just looks bad when you write them all out!! Congrats and good luck!

  7. Yes..I am 9 weeks and when I hit about 6, I thought I was having a heart attack. My chest hurt so bad and my breathing felt restricted like I couldn't take a deep breath. I went to the Dr and had some tests done, and they decided it was bad acid reflux. The acid was actually getting into my lungs. They gave me some protonix (acid reducer) and maalox is my new best and occasionally if it gets too bad I take a puff off my inhaler (all safe according to my Dr and OB) I have some pretty nice headaches too sometimes.  Where is the numbness? Pregnant women are prone to getting carpal tunnel in their wrists and sometimes have numbness in their finger and hands. I think you should give your OB a call about these symptoms and see what they say. Just to be sure :)  

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