
Experienced moms, I need your help!?

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My son is 8 1/2 months old. I've always had the same bedtime routine with him, he's always done good with it. I'd put him to bed, and he'd roll over and go right to sleep. He's learned how to pull himself up and he stands in the crib. Now at bedtime he will roll over like he is going to sleep, and a few minutes later he's up standing, crying hysterically. I know he's not stuck, because I've watched him on the video monitor and he knows how to get down. He does not do this at naptime. My question is, is this separation anxiety? What can I do? If its not, what else could be wrong? First time mommy here!




  1. It could very well be separation anxiety. Also babies aren't really that great on routines until they are a little older, so he will go through stages where he won't sleep and where he will. He probably just wants some more cuddle time with mommy, which is a good thing. The separation anxiety will get better as they get older it will just take some time and patients.  

  2. A warm bath right before bed helps (makes babies sleepy).  Make sure there are very little lights on (night light).  Do not linger in the room talking, playing, etc.  Also, you did not mention whether the child is on solid foods only, breast milk and solids, formula and solids, or breast milk alone.  The child could have gas or stomach pain, so he should not go directly to bed after his meal.  I usually fed my (7 month old) twins organic solids and 10 to 20 minutes later give them warm baths and finish with breastmilk.  I put them to bed right before they  fall completely asleep (this is key).  They usually sleep through the night ('til 3 or 4 a.m.)

  3. Maybe he is afraid of the dark. Do you have a nightlight in his room?

  4. There may be a few possibilities. Here are my thoughts

    1) He's learning to be autonomous, and is now at a stage when he's trying to gain control of his world, so he's fighting the sleep. If you're a mom who can tolerate "letting your child cry it out" (I'm not, so this wouldn't work for me, but other moms swear by it) then just ignore him,and let him cry it out, until he realizes that you won't give in, so he'll give in and just go to sleep. But if you're not the type who can tolerate the "let your child cry it out method. then just delay his bedtime routine a bit longer, and when you see that he's really getting tired start the bedtime routine, he'll be too tired to stand up and cry, by the time you put him down at last.

    2)He's not ready for bed at bedtime anymore because as babies get bigger and more active, they have more energy, and are not ready to go to bed as the same time that they used to (try cutting back a bit on his naptime)

  5. it is seperation anxiety, and maybe some teething pain. Theres not much you can do, but to grin and bear it. They do grow out of the anxiety part and they do eventually get all of their teeth

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