
Experienced scuba divers: another question for you, about dive computers!?

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How necessary is it to have a dive computer for ocean diving? I'm pretty new at scuba, and the SPG I have is relatively simple with analog gauges.

Thanks for your input!




  1. Computers are really a luxury item. Nice to have but not needed if you know your way around your RDP, have your console and a timer.

    You CAN extract a little more bottom time using one and they're great for dives with an up and down profile as they will calculate for you on the fly, so if your plan changes a bit, you're covered. They're also useful in that if you're doing several dives in a day, there's no need to run to your log book before you forget your numbers. Most will log at least 10 separate dives with the times, depths, nitrogen loads, surface intervals and temperatures. Some allow a download to a PC, others will just store 10 dives to memory for later review.

  2. Not necessary at all. I've made hundreds of dives in the open ocean with nothing but a watch and pressure and depth gauges to keep track of nitrogen load.

    The computer does make multiple dives and multi-profile dives much easier to keep track of, however. It also could come in handy if you inadvertantly stray outside of the sport diving limits portrayed in your dive table as I did one time to retrieve a buddy who'd gotten badly 'narced'.

  3. Computer adds another layer of safety especially if you are doing multiple dives per day. Also, it takes a lot of guess work out and increases your bottom time as most of the diving you are doing is multilevel. Besides most of them will also be a backup to your depth  gauge, watch, bottom timer, and in some cases, your pressure gauge! I travel with two computers!

  4. It is not necessary, but very useful in determining your decompression limits, else you have to calculate it manually.  I've been diving since 1992 and still use analog.  If you can afford a computer, then why not, takes away the manual effort and records multiple dives so you can log later.  There are also computer interfaces that can upload your dive information  to keeping your log up to date is easier and you don't have to bother with it during a dive trip.  That's my .02.  Good luck with your decision.

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